Goalie Mikayla Demaiter Celebrates Fall, J.R. Smith's Collegiate Golf Debut & Danica Patrick's Day At The Boston Marathon
The NFL is anti-homophobic language unless it's trying to hire a Super Bowl halftime show
Jon Gruden is out as the Raiders head coach after the New York Times published emails Gruden sent to Redskins executive Bruce Allen over a period from 2011 to 2018. In those emails, Gruden calls Roger Goodell a "faggot" and a "clueless anti football pussy." The Times also claims one email references "queers" in relation to Michael Sam being drafted by the St. Louis Rams.
Around the same time in 2018, Eminem was including the line: “Tyler create nothin’ / I see why you called yourself a faggot, bitch" into a song on his Kamikaze album. It was a diss aimed at performer Tyler, The Creator.
Eminem will be performing at Super Bowl LVI in February. Gruden is officially out of the NFL. Neither were employees of the NFL when they used such language.
Meanwhile, as ESPN investigative reporter Don Van Natta tweeted Monday night, there's been "no report, no findings, no emails released/leaked by the NFL about its inquiry of Dan Snyder" and the Washington Football Team. That's right, the only guy to go down here is Jon Gruden.
There's no excuse for Gruden being an idiot while emailing such language on a digital file that could be used against him 10 years down the road. And there's no excuse for being such an idiot altogether, but I don't believe for a second that Gruden is the only idiot in those emails. So why is Gruden being singled out? Because Dan Snyder's never going to fall for any of this stuff. The guy's worth somewhere around $4 billion. He helps pay Roger's salary. He's part of a group of owners who will never turn on each other.
So Gruden has to go. Eminem gets to perform and sell whatever he's promoting. Retired pimp Snoop Dogg gets to take the stage in Los Angeles. Dr. Dre, who admits to assaulting a woman in 1991 while he was “out of his f‑‑‑ing mind” will be on the same stage. A rapper who served probation for striking a man several times in the head with an unloaded handgun for kissing the rapper's wife goodbye outside a Michigan club will be performing during the Super Bowl.
"I truly believe he was going to kill me. He was in such a rage," the victim said at the time.
If you're following along here, Jon Gruden could perform during the Super Bowl halftime show, but he cannot be employed by the NFL.
And if Gruden had stabbed a record executive at New York City's Kit Kat Klub in 1999, served three years probation, and admitted to dealing crack cocaine, he'd have the ear of the NFL commissioner.
• I hated to start with that topic this morning, but it's going to dominate today's newscycle. That said, let's get back on track with our normal Screencaps programming.
• There have been multiple questions from Screencaps readers on Mike T. in Idaho's trip across America and the planning that goes into it. Mike has provided me with his itinerary so you can all follow along.
This week on Mike & Cindy's American adventure:
Today: Mackinac Island
Oct. 13: From St. Ignace, MI to Traverse City
Oct. 14: Traverse City, follow MI-22 to MI 33 all the way to Grand Haven, MI
Oct. 15: Grand Haven to Ann Arbor
Oct. 16: Leave Ann Arbor, drive by my house here in Perrysburg, OH and then they're driving I-90 all the way to Hamburg, NY
Oct. 17: Hamburg to Auburn, NY
Oct. 18: Auburn, NY to Lake Placid
Mike writes:
My wife plans all the trips. She loves to plan and do research! When it gets to trips across the USA, it comes down to two thoughts, interstate or highways. When we retired and started traveling we wanted to see the great city’s across the USA, so we traveled the interstates and saw all the major cities!
We’ve always found it cheaper to rent a car for long trips. Let them worry when you put a lot of miles on their vehicle! As we have now seen the major cities, we are now enjoying a cross-country trip on the old highway system.
Lots of two-lane roads, seeing the out-of-the-way places. We use TripAdvisor to help our planning. Let me know if you need help. We love to travel, check out our blog from 10 months in Europe traftonseuropemexicoadventures.home.blog
Let me know if you need any help. We call my wife, Cindy, “Tour guide Cindy”. She can help with any questions!

Paul Bunyan in Toad Lake, Minnesota from Mike and Cindy's adventure
• I'll forward emails to Mike if you have questions. Remember, the guy is on a vacation. Don't be shocked if he doesn't get back to you immediately.
• Indy Daryl of 'Do Hard Things' fame checked in Monday night with a few thoughts on topics that have been trending around here over the last 5-7 days:
Good evening from beautiful northern Wisconsin! I have so many thoughts I think bullet points my be easiest:
- loved reading about and seeing a brief glimpse into you and your dads golf trip. Spend as much time as you can with him and play as much golf as you can. There is very little as awesome as standing on a tee box with your dad, looking at a sunrise or sunset, just being together.
- as a former ICU Nurse, I too believe that hearing stories about frontline workers (or former and active military) helps put things into perspective and wish we heard more of their stories! Sean K. is right, and I loved hearing how he has engaged his neighbor across the street who is a WW2 veteran.
- I am incredibly honored to have been mentioned re: Do Hard Things! Take it. Run with it. Mom could not be happier about how it is spreading.
- as for what I love most in life, I think that hanging out in a hammock with any number of my kids is near the top of the list. 'Would you rather' questions with my six-year-old son, talking about books with my 11-year-old daughter, and my near 3-year-old daughter climbing all over me are memories I will cherish forever.
- memory lane: from the time I was 15 till about 24 I worked off and on for my dad. One of the traditions we developed over the years was playing a quick 9 holes of golf on Tuesday mornings throughout the summers. Without going into all the details of how that could happen, it is one of my favorite by-gone traditions: being woken up by my dad, grabbing breakfast together, hitting the same course every week and the same back nine (Shoutout to Saddle Rock golf course in Aurora, CO) over and over again, “getting our monies worth” by hitting 3 and 4 balls for each shot. So much of my teenage/young adult years were shaped by golfing on Tuesday mornings with my dad. I cherish all of that!
Hope you have a great Monday night and look forward to what is in store tomorrow!

• Did you see how ESPN was supposed to have Sidney Crosby on during the MNF halftime show to promote the start of the NHL season only to have him bumped due to the Gruden news? You're damn right hockey fans, who have hailed the NHL's return to ESPN as one of the greatest things to happen to the league in the last 15 years, are furious. Tonight is opening night and ESPN is already throwing the NHL stars to the backburner in favor of its money-making NFL machine.
Just wait until ESPN figures out a way to get LeBron coverage mixed into NHL games. Can't wait.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com