Giant African Snail Sighting In Florida Leads To Quarantine

We've all heard stories about invasive Burmese pythons in the state of Florida. Now, it sounds like the state's delicate ecosystem could be facing a new threat: the giant African snail.

One of these invasive bad boys was spotted in Broward County, Florida. I can't imagine these things are hard to miss, because they're exactly what they sound like, they're just bigass snails.

However, it's not their size that has people concerned (although, I'm a little concerned about it) it's what they can do to plants. According to NBC News, giant African land snails are "one of the most damaging snails in the world."

This would explain why the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services set up a quarantine around part of Miramar, Florida to contain the heinously over-sized mollusks.

These snails aren't picky eaters and will happily chow down on 500 different types of plants which would have a huge impact on tropical plant life. Additionally, they carry the parasite rat lungworm, which is just an all-time horrific name.

Seeing as I live in Florida, I hope they contain these monsters. Seriously. Going out to your car and finding a snail the size of a NERF football stuck to it would be enough for me to hire movers that afternoon.

Maybe we can figure out a use for these things. I'm guessing since they carry rat lungworm, these snails aren't edible.

That's a shame because I love me some escargot.

Love it. But only when it's bite-sized. Not when you have to carve it up like an Easter ham.

That's significantly less appetizing.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.