German Soccer Team Concerned That Brazilian Model Izabel Goulart Is Distracting Their Star Goalkeeper

Back in late 2022, it looked as if Eintracht Frankfurt goalkeeper Kevin Trapp and his Brazilian model fiancee, Izabel Goulart, could be headed to Manchester United.  That transfer to the Premier League club never took place and Trapp stayed put in Germany.

The asking price to get the deal done was likely too high at the time.  The price these days for the 33-year-old could be significantly lower.  His current team has become concerned about his relationship with Goulart becoming a distraction for him.

According to The Sun, the German outlet Bild has claimed that Trapp and Goulart's relationship is a regular topic of conversation, with the team concerned that the goalkeeper is being distracted from his on the field duties by her demands.

One of those supposed demands is how Trapp can "best get out of a car" for photographers.  That sounds extremely demanding of his model significant other.  Doesn't she know he has more important things to focus on, like stopping a handful of shots every game?

He can't be worried about which side his good side is and how to showcase it while getting out of a car.  No wonder Trapp's performance has reportedly dropped, and he's not "throwing himself" all over the field to stop every close range shot like he used to.

This sounds very selfish of the team who is paying his salary.  What if he takes a ball to the face at close range?  How would he exit a car then?  Butt first?  Or even worse, with his bad side visible to photographers?  Not on Izabel Goulart's watch.

Izabel Goulart Is Being Blamed For German Goaltender Kevin Trapp's Alleged Decline

Goulart is a former Victoria's Secret Angel, who, at 39, evidently has the power to make a soccer player forget how to play the game.

Blame her if you want, but it's more likely the goalkeeper figured out that he's not as sore the next day if he's not diving all over the place to stop a shot or two a night.  It's called a business decision.

Trapp is trying to stay healthy for all the sex these two have - they're known for getting it on four to five times a week.  He's also trying to stay pretty for the photographers.

Who am I or anyone to deny him that right?  He's a grown man making grown man decisions.

Blaming Goulart for that is lazy, even if it's completely her fault for filling him up with so many demands that he doesn't know which way is up anymore.

At the end of the day, Trapp is responsible for his play.  If he's done putting his body on the line in order to take great pictures alongside his model fiancee at red carpet events, that's on him.