Genny Shawcross Continues Her SI Swimsuit Tryout, 'I'm With The Cougar,' And OutKick Alphas In Chicago

The Russian defense contractor story that Brandon in Pinckney told last year continues to mesmerize readers – I need you guys to save this link! 

Here's the edition of Screencaps when Brandon shared his story. SAVE IT in your emails! Title it, "Screencaps Russian Defense Contractor Show Story." This is the story that people constantly want to revisit. 

• Ilia writes: 

Hate to bother you about something you posted already a couple of times, but I cannot find it on my own.

I'm visiting my sister and brother in law in Jacksonville and while me and the BIL are sharing a bottle of Wellers Antique over couple of cigars, I thought of the greatest Screencaps story I've read. The military contractor that went somewhere in Russia for an expo and had some Russian hookers show up to his room for "English lessons" in the middle of the night, then a fire alarm was pulled and all had to vacate the building, etc...

I know if I try to tell the stroy I'd butcher it, but I figured he could read it for himself. I tried searching for it, but to no avail. Could you help me out?


This is how I know Brandon told a story that will be read around here for a long time. It's going to be passed down to the different generations of Screencaps readers. It's the type of story that turns Ilia's BIL into a daily reader. 

By the way, I'm told Brandon C. in Pinckney will be at the Two-Club Invitational in August, so you might have a chance to pick his brain at the 19th hole. Bring a lawn chair and a cooler. Maybe he'll hold court. 

March Madness notes

• Jonathan R. writes: 

Please highlight what a great job Deb Antonelli has been doing during her games.  Knowledgeable, insightful, and knows her shit.  


While we're talking about the broadcasting crews, the basketball gods put Kevin Harlan in front of the mic for that JMU-Wisconsin game. I thought he was going to stroke out as JMU was diving on the floor, grabbing, flopping their arms, sprinting up and down the court, and going balls to the walls on the Badgers. 

God bless Harlan. The guy is incredible. 

And I'll say the same about Tom McCarthy in that booth with Antonelli. McCarthy is as steady as they come. By the way, Bill Raftery is 80 and just keeps delivering solid broadcasts. Bill will be on the Final Four broadcast team with Ian Eagle and Grant Hill. Tracy Wolfson will be on the sidelines. 

• Kevin in SD says: 

Greg Sankey wants to get rid of mid majors in the tourney…irony (ask the Ivy League Commissioner how he feels about that!). Way to go SEC so far, I know, it just seams (means) more. 

Our education system is in shambles and the NCAA isn’t helping with geography knowledge. How can our kids learn geography? The Final Four Region locations:

Brooklyn: agree
Spokane: What?
Omaha: What?

Charlotte: What?
Spokane: makes sense
Memphis: What?
Salt Lake City: makes sense 

Let’s look at the South;
Memphis: agree
Brooklyn, Pittsburgh, & Indianapolis: What?

Indianapolis and Pittsburgh: agree, obviously 
Charlotte and SLC: What?

I realize the objective is to balance the playing field (move teams around the country) but at least fix the location of the regions. 

Keep up the great work!

Zero Turn vs. Riding Mowers

• Andrew from the red part of Washington (state) writes: 

Long time reader, first-time emailer. Scrolling through the Friday edition of SC and felt compelled to weigh in on the zero turn vs. riding mower IG post: When we bought our house in 2018, my parents gifted me their old walk behind Craftsman and a brand new Stihl FS70R string trimmer - not JUST gas powered; mixed fuel so I can burn oil AND gasoline simultaneously. Fantastic mower, but the backyard being 100' from fence to fence, I couldn't mow a stripe without having to empty the bag. Property is only 1/3 acre, but mostly grass with very little other landscaping. All in, it would take me 3.5 hours to edge, mow/empty the bag and blow with a Stihl BG86 (another 2-stroke noise maker). After 1 season of this process and prior to kids, I knew this couldn't last. In 2019, I bought a Cub Cadet ZT1 42" zero turn mower and couldn't be happier. The E,M,B process still takes 2+ hours because my 3 boys (4yo and 2yo twins) all want their turn sitting on daddy's lap while I mow. They grab the handle bars and I let them steer.

To get back to your poll question, the zero turn is great for when you are turning frequently or maneuvering around obstacles, which requires a mostly two-handed operation. In your parameter of 3 acres of flat property, I am imagining a flat rectangle when a mower would be just laying long stretches of straight stripes. While it's possible to operate a zero turn with one hand on straights, a steering wheel would be easier and free up a hand to more easily grab the cold beverage out of the cupholder that any riding should have. If it doesn't, it's not a mower worth owning. The other negative of a zero turn is that the operator should rarely use the "zero turn" functionality on a lawn. When pivoting around a rear tire, there is a huge risk of damaging the lawn by essentially "squishing the bug" (a term I learned in rec ball as a kid, but then admittedly carried on through travel American Legion ball as I went through high school) with that tire. So, for most general yards, a zero turn mower would be an excellent option as the operator wouldn't have to account for the nose of a lawn tractor prohibiting the cutting deck from reaching more lawn, thus cutting down on the amount of string trimming. However, for your 3 acres of flat, assumed rectangle, I would go with a riding tractor for the sole purpose of one-handed operation.

I have always wanted to be a part of the TNML and have mentioned this column to my wife. The only thing getting in my way is the commitment to Thursday nights. With the kids being so young, I get home from work a little after 5, we have dinner, play for an hour and then they go to bed. I am relegated to surrendering a Saturday for my yard work chores. For now, that is fine with me because it is just some outside time with my family on the weekend. Whether we are working in the yard or playing, it doesn't matter because I look at it as just time with them. I will fully commit to Thursdays when they get a little older, can stay up later and then I can put them to work on the mower while I edge. I will continue to admire the group on Friday posts and tribute the group on my Saturdays when I cut my own grass.

God bless you, Joe. God bless the SC community. God bless the TNML and GOD BLESS AMERICA. 

PS. I also hate soccer. It's a communist sport. Loved the line from a contributor where he said America was built by men and women working with their hands so how are we supposed to love a sport where hands aren't allowed. Bud Light is piss.

• Greg M. wrote this morning at 8:20 a.m. knowing I would be in the Screencaps HQ pumping out a fresh edition of Screeencaps: 

I am a 68-year-old retired lawyer. I live in the country with my wife of 43 years and I mow 4 acres around the house regularly, and I mow another 10 acres irregularly/as needed on a 9 hole golf course I carved out of the pasture. We call it hillbilly golf. I will send you pics and a scorecard when things green up a bit here in Missouri !

In response to your question, I have 2 zero turn mowers, a rider, and a 3 point finish mower for the tractor. The zero turn is great for the yard around the house, wife's flower garden, fire pit, trees,  etc. It definitely cuts down on the mowing time, and frankly, its maneuverability makes it fun to operate. On the other hand, the rider is nice to have because I use it with attachments such as fertilizer spreader, aerator, dump cart etc.

They both have their uses. I love to mow, so put me on either and I will be happy most of the time ! I will say, however, I have some difficulty holding a beer while mowing on a zero turn. Any input from your readers on a technique would be much appreciated.

• Jim M. says: 

1000 percent zero turn. You can look up the pros vs cons, but I'll give you the biggest difference. Comfort!  One is like driving a car and one is like driving a lazy boy. Case closed/

Don't say I didn't warn you: The shirts ARE BACK, now buy, buy, buy!

Metaquest VR mowing review


Lee D. loves to send me MEAT TikToks: 

More Saturday morning reading – Little League baseball scandal

Multiple emailers sent me this story out of the Wall Street Journal on the Little League scandal out of Washington D.C. This isn't one of those stories where the news outlet uses "Little League" while actually describing travel ball. This is true Little League drama where a coach was stacking the teams, rigging the 11 & 12-year-old all-star team with kids from neighboring Little Leagues and a mother who was fed up. 

Lawyers got involved. 

I'll say it again: If you move to Perrysburg, OH, I'll make your youth baseball life so easy. Be my assistant. I'm going to take your lives from baseball misery to baseball happiness. Your kid is going to play hard, have fun, there will be no baseball scandals, no drama. 

You'll be on your patio on Saturday afternoons soaking up the sun. You'll have your weekends back. We'll play baseball, the game will end, your kid will pack his bag – that has just one bat – and ask for ice cream and if he can go swimming at his friend's house. 

And you'll have time to play 9 with your buddies BEFORE dinner and drinks.

I'm the Dave Ramsey of Youth Baseball. I'm here to save the world. 

Multiple people sent me this gem – Innocent Until Proven Guilty® 


That's it for this Saturday morning. The juices are flowing. My Dayton Flyers tip at 12:45 and I have a painting project to complete because I'm hosting the Masters party with friends here in 20 days. I need to get moving so this place is presentable. 

Let's have a great weekend. Enjoy those spring colors, that lawn you mowed on Thursday and everything that comes with the rebirth of the seasons. 

Take care. 


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Stuff You Guys Sent In & Stuff I Like :

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.