Gen Z Kids In Beverly Hills Are Every Bit As Clueless As You'd Expect Regarding Money

What could be the only thing more insufferable than your average Gen Z kid?

Why, your average Gen Z kid from Beverly Hills.

Pointing out things Gen Zers don't know is easy. Most of the time it'll be something like a band. Someone says to a 17-year-old, "Hey, have you ever heard of Van Halen?" They say no, then everyone pretends to be shocked that a kid wouldn't know a band whose biggest albums came out a couple of decades before their parents even met.

However, one video that has been making the rounds didn't do that. TikTok user Jessica Palmadessa asked a simple question: what is an average American's salary?

*Cue "Beverly Hills" by Weezer*

If you didn't have time to watch that or were afraid that doing so might knock a couple of points off of your IQ score (a valid concern). The Beverly Hills youngins gave the following answers

They Were Way Off

As you probably guessed, those are nowhere near any of those. According to Forbes, the average American salary is $59,428.

So, to her credit, the young lady who said $90 to $100K was somewhat in the ballpark, but would have lost according to Price Is Right rules.

Maybe those kids misheard that and thought they were supposed to give the average salary on their block, or the average salary of the parents of kids on their polo team. I don't know.

Now, it's easy to cherry-pick. Any 4 dopey kids off the street in Beverly Hills and put them in a TikTok video. Still, I was shocked that some kids were still that far off the mark. I get they probably grew up with a silver spoon in their mouths, but it's insane to see teenagers so completely unaware of life outside of their Beverly Hills bubble.

Follow on Twitter: @Matt_Reigle

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.