Gavin Newsom Continues To Combat Non-Issues While Ignoring Real Ones, As California Retailers Who Don’t Offer Gender-Neutral Toys Can Be Fined $500
While Californians should be used to having some bizarre laws on the books, toy retailers beware: they're coming for you. Especially if you're not offering gender-neutral toys.
A California law signed by Governor Gavin Newsom goes into effect next month after being signed into law in 2021. It requires that department stores with more than 500 employees, that are located in California, and sell "childcare items or toys," to have a gender-neutral section.
The Golden State gonna Golden State.
This is just bizarre even by the incredibly high bar for bizarreness set by ultra-woke progressives. Wasting any time legislating the gender adherence of toy sections is wild when there's a city practically drowning in human feces. Unless, of course, a communist dictator rolls into to town, in which case it's spotless and lined with Chinese flags.
"We need to stop stigmatizing what's acceptable for certain genders and just let kids be kids," he said. "My hope is this bill encourages more businesses across California and the U.S. to avoid reinforcing harmful and outdated stereotypes."
Oh typical, dopey Gavin...

The root of all evil in California: an attempt to sell young girls the kind of toys that young girls typically like. (Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
This Gender-Neutral Toy Law Is A Waste Of The Paper It Was Written On
Newsome doesn't get that the toys are "gendered" because they tend to appeal to one gender or the other, not the other way around. Barbies were marketed toward girls because that's what young girls typically prefer to play with. The same goes with Hot Wheels cars for boys.
If it made sense to go with gender-neutral advertising for toys companies would do it. They want to sell as many toys as they possibly can, if that was the way to do it, they'd go all in. It has nothing to do with "reinforcing harmful and outdated stereotypes." Anyone who thinks otherwise is just being difficult or trying to score progressive brownie points.
Plus, nothing is stopping a young girl from playing with NERF guns or a little fella from playing with My Little Pony toys. So what is the point of a gender-neutral toy section anyway?
There isn't one. The whole thing — like so many other woke ideas — is strictly performative. Look no further than the penalty for not adhering to it: a $250 or $500 fine.
That's a drop in the bucket for major retailers. And they're the only ones who even fall under the purview of this joke of a law. In fact, the fine for not setting up a gender-neutral section might be cheaper than the cost of setting up a gender-neutral section and stocking full of toys that no one will buy.
We all know what a joke Gavin Newsom is. It continues to be clear that this is what he focuses on while running a state with a multitude of problems.
Like a city drowning in human feces. Did I mention the city is drowning in human feces?
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