Former WWE Superstar Summer Rae Hit The Runway For Atlanta Swim Week

Former WWE Superstar Summer Rae, aka Danielle Moinet, isn't sitting on her front porch in a rocking chair sipping on lemonade while reminiscing about her days in the ring.  The former wrestler and Total Divas cast member is far too busy for that.

Much like other superstars who have left the sport behind, the 40-year-old has millions of social media followers to entertain.  And entertain them she certainly does.  She takes pride in that aspect of her work and is a hard act for anyone to follow on an Instagram feed.

But regularly breaking out the blowtorch and burning down Instagram isn't all that fills up Moinet's calendar these days.  She also spends time destroying runways.  She's been doing both of those things this weekend as she gears up for an eventful summer.

She followed up words of wisdom in a "Dress for the job you want" post by doing the job she wants.

The job Moinet is dressed for is obviously that of a bikini model.  The job she went to work doing this weekend was that of a bikini model.

Consider the whole "dress for the job you want" thing a resounding success.  She hit the runway for Atlanta Swim Week on Saturday.

Summer Rae Powered Through An Illness Without Missing A Beat

However, working the swim week runway - despite how she made it appear - wasn't all rainbows and unicorns.  Moinet was under the weather.

She revealed afterward that she had powered through four shows "absolutely sick as hell."  So sick that on Sunday she took a trip to urgent care.  She updated her Instagram Story with, "Just a girl, at urgent care, wondering if she will ever get better."

The timing of which couldn't be any worse.  She added, "May is my busiest month smh worst timing ever."

Now, if anyone thought that an illness was going to keep Moinet down, they haven’t been paying much attention to her over the years.  It's not going to happen.

"Honestly I just miss the gym & working out," she said.  "If I'm not better by tomorrow I'm going to the gym idgaf."

Good luck slowing the bikini model formerly known as Summer Rae down.  Get well soon, the world needs more Danielle Moinet on the runway.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.