Former WWE Diva Sunny's Fellow Inmates Are Trying To Sell Her Autographed Underwear On eBay

WWE Hall of Famer Tammy Lynn Sytch aka Sunny is adjusting to life behind bars.  The 51-year-old was sentenced to 17 years in prison for a fatal car crash where she was reportedly behind the wheel with a blood alcohol level that was four times the legal limit.

Part of that adjustment apparently includes calling into podcasts for interviews.  The former wrestler and adult star dubbed a "danger to society" in court made an appearance on the Bird Calls Live podcast this week.

Sytch talked about how she misses men and the things her fellow inmates have tried to get her to autograph so that they could sell them on eBay.  Items like her ID and her underwear.

"I was still in county [jail] before I got here," she said.  "One girl asked for my personal ID, for me to sign it, so she could take it home and sell it on eBay and I said 'no,' and then another girl, believe it or not, has the balls to ask me for my underwear."

Anyone in the market for Sytch's underwear is going to be disappointed.  She didn't autograph any, and it doesn't sound like that's going to be going down in the foreseeable future.

"She wanted me to sign my underwear, so she could bring them home and sell it on eBay.  I told her that was absolutely not going to happen."

It Could Be A Very Long 17 Years For Tammy Lynn Sytch

Sytch has had a hard time adjusting to the lack of sex behind bars.  She's approaching two years without any action and hasn't found any options among the ladies yet.

"It's already been 22 months without it and let me tell you it's rough.  It’s like you become a virgin again, it's insane," she said.  "I've never been into girls, I've never kissed a girl.  I'm strictly d*ckly."

It's almost as if she's in prison.  Which, of course, she is.  So it's fitting that there isn't a wild coed party going down behind bars.  Despite her description of her past experiences, she sounds open to making a few changes.

"I love men, but when you're here you really don't have an option – if you want any kind of affection or connection with anyone, it's a girl-girl thing, you have no choice," she continued.

"But there's really nobody that would be up to par for me, so I might have to wait a little while until somebody of quality comes in."

17 years is a long time.  She's going to be an elderly woman when she's finished serving her time.  Not the ending anyone saw coming for AOL's "most downloaded celebrity on the internet" circa the late 90s.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.