ESPN Unveils 'ManningCast' For Basketball, Kevin Hart To Host
Kevin Hart is set to host a 'Manningcast'-type broadcast for upcoming ESPN NBA games.
The stand up comedian and actor has signed on to cover a number of games as we continue to see the rise of the alt-casts across the sports media world - but have executives now gone too far?
There's no doubt that ESPN2's other alt-casts like the ManningCast and KayRod Cast (featuring Alex Rodriguez and ESPN New York and YES Network's broadcaster Michael Kay) have helped bring in formidable ratings. Personally, I actually enjoy watching those broadcasts rather than the real game ones. The laid back, crack-a-beer and shoot the breeze with your buddies atmosphere, is refreshing for those that just want to enjoy a game broadcast.
However, there is no doubt that we are seeing the oversaturation of the alt-casts. I love me some Pat McAfee, but his alt-cast with college football has been very bland. Many of the 'watchalong' livestreams various other sports entities have done are also nothing to brag about.
Does Kevin Hart have enough of a pull and a following to be the goto guy for NBA games? He wasn't first on my bucket list - that would be Charles Barkley, who as part of TNT's Inside The NBA continues to be the pinnacle for all pre and postgame basketball coverage.
But Hart is funny for sure. His antics and his ability to talk off the cuff will be enjoyable for those that want that kind of thing.

Kevin Hart with Carmelo Anthony. (Photo by Alexander Tamargo/Getty Images for SiriusXM)
Can Hart deliver that type of humor for an ENTIRE NBA game? That's a long time.
How will he not become tedious? The thing with comedians is that they always need 'to be on,' and chase that laugh. That may be a little difficult if a game is a blowout or dragging on. Not to mention, if the game is actually a close one many people will still be tuning into hear one of the all-time great announcers in Mike Breen call the regular broadcast.
Even as ESPN continues to revamp their network ever since signing Pat McAfee to his massive $80+ million deal, I don't think the Kevin Hart move was necessarily bad. He'll do fine - not great, but not terrible and I'm sure producers will make sure to book some great guests around him.
The first person I'm calling?
Dave Chapelle.