Elon Musk Credits 'The Simpsons' For Predicting Twitter Purchase

Twitter head honcho Elon Musks says that The Simpsons may have called their shot once again, and predicted his purchase of the social media platform,

The Simpsons is one of the most beloved TV shows ever made and some of the best comedy writers of all time have worked on it. Conan O'Brien, John Swartzwelder, George Meyer, Greg Daniels, Mike Reiss, Al Jean, Tom Gammill, Max Pross Dana Gould, and a slew of others have all written for the iconic show.

In recent, years they've shown off borderline clairvoyance.

On Saturday, Musk tweeted that he had picked up on another one of the show's predictions that came to fruition.

Season 26, Episode 12 is called "The Musk Who Fell To Earth," and features the billionaire as a guest star. It aired in 2015. That was back when Musk was still in the Left's good graces for bringing eco-friendly Teslas to the masses.

That has since changed, but many are still wheeling around in their Teslas.

Early in the episode, Lisa is seen filling a birdhouse with seeds. On the birdhouse is a sign that reads "Home Tweet Home."

Predicition Or Coincidence?

As any lifelong Simpsons fan can tell you, that's a throwaway sign gag if ever I've seen one, and we've seen many. It's not unfunny, but it's not one people will remember until the sun explodes.

Still, it's certainly intriguing that of all of the 730 episodes, it appeared in the one with Elon Musk.

The Simpsons is always being credited with making predictions like these. The most famous example is a mention of President Trump in the Season 11 episode "Bart To The Future," which aired in 2000.

There are a lot of Simpsons episodes. At some point, things they joked about are going to come true.

Still, it's always weird when they manage to get one completely right.

Follow on Twitter: @Matt_Reigle

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.