Elizabeth Hurley Refuses To End Pool Season, Halloween Instagram Model Leftovers & Tiger Woods Looks Ready To Go In 2024
Screencaps Confessions
I was on an OutKick Slack message thread Wednesday when the conversation turned to Mariah Carey's video that was released where she thaws out of ice and launches into her billion-dollar smash-hit Christmas song "All I Want For Christmas Is You."
The OutKick team quickly turned on anything and everything associated with jumping the gun and disrespecting Thanksgiving.
And then I blurted it out: I had a Christmas ale at a bar this past Saturday. I actually had TWO pints of the keg beer. It was great and I didn't suddenly feel like putting up a Christmas tree, but the damage had been done in their eyes.
I was promptly jumped, but it gave me an idea: Why don't we use the safe space that is Screencaps to do a "Confessions" series where we get something off our chests?
You can either email me or join the new Screencaps Facebook Group and let the emotions flow. As you can see, others are already getting things off their chest. It's working.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

Indy Daryl keeps inspiring readers to 'Do Hard Things' and some of these things are definitely harder than others!
• Chris from TN writes:
Love what you do. Earlier this year I was inspired by Daryl in Indy to do a hard thing. I decided to climb Kilimanjaro. Here are sunset photos from above the clouds at 15,000 feet and a summit photo to prove I made it. All hail Screencaps and Doing Hard Things!

Talk about a feather in the cap for Indy Daryl. He's literally inspiring Tennesseans to travel to Africa to take on a challenge of a lifetime. That's the power of this column. One minute you might be inspired to remodel your garage, the next minute you could be inspired to climb one of the tallest mountains in the world.
That's why you can't miss a day of Screencaps, America's Best Daily Column. It's a positive soap opera on a daily basis.
• John L. writes:
Joe, I am a big-time Biden hater, for sure. BUT my new A/C installation from this past summer was interesting:
- $6,900 for an additional Mitsubishi ductless mini split system to complete the upstairs. A year or two ago the cost would have been closer to $5,000.
- It qualifies for a $2,000 Federal tax credit when I file my return for 2023 thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act.
- Our local utility (NYSEG) has already sent me a $400 rebate check.
So a net cost of $4,500. WTF!?
Hey ESPN, get your facts straight
• Michael R. writes:
There's nothing more that pisses me off than someone (Boo on Halloween of all times) says (paraphrasing) we're a committee committed to get it right 100% of the time. Then goes on to say there are only 5 undefeated teams.
Actually, there are 7. James Madison is a "provisional" FBS school playing a Full FBS schedule. They knew what signed up for when they joined.
Then there's Air Force. A long-time FBS program. Successful. Boo (on Halloween) can't get the facts correct. The Air Force Academy is undefeated. Did Boo pull the curtain back too soon and let everyone know the fix is in?
Hey Flora Cardoni, read this, you quack!
• Guy G. in far western New York writes:
I was at EquipExpo in Louisville recently, and batteries are everywhere for landscapers. I saw an electric aerator! How long is that supposed to work?
Regardless, I work for a leaf blower manufacturer and repeatedly get asked about electric. Instead of going that route, we have instead released our 40hp stand-on blower.
(Not as cool as our 237hp 24” blower for airfields, but pretty cool)
We’ll keep making engine-driven units, and keep your fairways clear this time of year.
I cleaned a field full of leaves at the park the other day, because it was nice out, and why not hang out at a park in the middle of the week?

The art of dinosaur stickers and how they can change a company (now Jim needs ideas on the next stickers he should buy)
• This week, Jim T. told us about how his 5-year-old niece gave him a sheet of dinosaur stickers and how those stickers are now a hot item at his office. I asked Jim to explain how this all came to be. He writes:
I work for a small medical device firm near San Diego – we make exit alarm and ventilator alarm systems for hospitals and nursing homes. We have about 9 employees, with 6 of us in the main office. We range in age from early 20s to early 60s, all guys.
For my birthday in September, my 5-year-old niece gave me a little sheet of a dozen stickers of dinosaurs on skateboards. Apparently, she thinks – or realizes – that 62-year-olds also need stickers.
It was very cute, but what do I do with them?
A couple weeks ago, our boss challenged us to take turns giving a short 3-5 minute presentation on a competitor’s product at our morning staff meeting that starts our day. Everyone was groaning about this, even though it really is a good way for us as a team to get up to speed on what’s out there in our sector.
I don’t recall exactly how I came up with the idea, but I brought the stickers to work – and after the first presentation (by another 60-year-old who does our electronics assembly), I made a big deal out of holding up the sheet of stickers, explaining they came from my niece, and telling him he could choose whichever one he wanted. Some of the young guys started making fun of it, but Danny grabbed the stickers and said “Yes! I get a dinosaur!” with a big laugh.
He made a big show of discussing the different stickers, then chose one and put it on his coffee mug. Ever since then, we now vote each morning on whether your report is “dinosaur worthy” (thank you, Seinfield). (My report last Thursday was deemed NOT dinosaur-worthy – WTH??? I spent 30 years as a newspaper reporter and editor and can’t win a dang dinosaur?)
We’re almost out of dinosaur stickers, so I’ve sourced some old Atari videogame stickers but am open to safe-for-work sticker suggestions from Outkick Nation as well. (So, yeah, the Hooters sticker idea everyone is starting to type up in Comments isn’t going to fly.)
This is just an awesome story. Thank you to Jim and all of you who continue to send in what some would consider ridiculous life tidbits. When they (like the Washington Post, an outlet that would never let you tell a story about dinosaur stickers) zigs, we zag.
Pump more of these stories into the inbox. I want all of them.
By the way, Jim is in Vista, CA and asked me about my hometown of Dayton, OH.
Jim adds:
I think I wrote to you earlier asking you the most basic of all Dayton questions: Cassano’s or Marion’s?
Marion's in Englewood, OH. It's where we went after soccer and baseball. It's where we still go for birthday gatherings.
There was a Cassano's in our hometown, but it was where all the hood rats would hang out on weekends and my dad wouldn't trust that place with his pizza unless he was very, very desperate. I'd say we had Cassano's in our house growing up less than 10 times.
I don't have anything against the pizza. It was that specific location in Brookville, OH. Pure trouble. Hood rats everywhere.
Where can Screencaps readers find real denim jeans, not these stretchy pants they're selling?
• Clayton W. says:
Another source, basic jeans, no stretchy stuff. Tractor Supply. Cheap even not on sale ($14.99)
By the way, the Rural King jeans do not show in their catalog site but do a search for Rural King Jeans and they can be found at some of the stores.
• Wes G. in Augusta, GA says:
Late to the party again!
Picture attached taken in Manasota Key, Florida 2 years ago.
I like this view a lot more than what I would be looking at in NE Indiana where I was raised.

• Lee D. in Tampa said we needed to see this one. He was right:
• Patrick C. in Perrysburg, OH writes:
I hope you’re doing well as we head into the homestretch of 2023! Here’s a great sunset from Savanah, Georgia taken in 2018 that still gets me!

• John from Coronado writes:
Snapped this shorty before I retired from Delta after 34 years. Sunset at 39000’, near the intersection of the equator and the International Date Line, while flying my favorite route from Sydney to LAX.

I don't know why, but Screencaps really attracts commercial airline pilots. If I remember correctly, we have pilots moving through airports around the country with TNML stickers on their roller bags. I believe it was 2022 when I had a stewardess write to me asking for a TNML sticker after seeing it on the bag of a pilot.
There's something about this column that resonates with those who fly the friendly skies. I just have to pinpoint what it is.
That said, if you have a question about the airline industry, this is the place to ask that question. There are pilots and crew reading this column on a daily basis.
#TeamSunset AND #TeamSunrise
• PNW Husker transplant Dan J writes:
Spent ten summers as a greenskeeper at two different courses, one that hosted a senior US open and one that was a regular stop each year by the LPGA and during that time was pro sunset. Now with a remote job more on team sunset as the commute across the hall allows for a bit more sleep in the morning. When we first moved into my current house we got to witness the finishing touches on a larger neighborhood directly behind us but it still left this view for us of Mt. Rainier sunrises:
Unfortunately, another neighborhood was constructed and now we have to walk to the end of the street to get a partial view. And now to support my fellow PNW Mike T. in the fire pit season beginnings:

• Brent H. in Clemmons, NC says:
I won't wade into the debate of sunrise or sunset, I enjoy them equally. Here is a sunrise and sunset from this past weekend at Oak Island, NC

• Voice-over Guy Mike L. writes:
Mrs. VO and I just got back from a two week vacation that included a 10 day cruise from Vancouver to Hawaii. Sending along some sunrise and sunset shots, I think I'm partial to sunrise on a cruise ship since most folks are still tucked away in their cabins.
Sunset somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean:

Sunrise from the stateroom veranda, and the ocean was glass:

Mike T's #TeamFirePit project
• Mike T. writes on his iPad:
Here’s the first fire in our fire pit 9 years ago!

For the new readers, Mike T. will roast his Christmas tree in that pit here in two months. Yes, it's big enough to fit a Christmas tree. I've seen it with my own eyes via photos Mike T. has sent.
• Chris B. in Houston, who had to watch the hated Rangers win the World Series last night, sent in these three:

• Brian in Montclair, NJ writes:
Sunrises and sunsets are nice, but come on, give the moon some love. Am all about the moon and sky. And boats in the water. Oh, and a generous pour of Wild Turkey 101. Don’t care what the bourbon snobs say, nothing beats it.

What were the odds Brian would mention pouring a Wild Turkey and I would look in my emails to learn I haven't had Wild Turkey since November 8-9, 2013 when I attended the Wild Turkey American Honey Bar-sity World Championships at Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas where the big attraction was the kickball world championship.
It was all-you-can-drink Wild Turkey. It was so wrong, but 10 years later I'm happy to have lived it.
I remember there were fistfights at the Hard Rock opening ceremony party where people were supposed to be all friendly and jovial.
Good times outside of how my stomach felt that Saturday morning after pounding Wild Turkey and then vodka at Body English. I had to let some of that concoction out of my system before they put us inside inflatable bubbles to play soccer in the Hard Rock parking lot. I'm so thankful I didn't puke inside the bubble. That would've been awful.
Anyway, now we're ready to go. It's Thursday. It's November. The temperature is rising. It's going to be 60 this weekend. The sun is supposed to be out. Life is good. If not, use the Screencaps Confession line. Let's work through things.
Now go out there and dominate a sales meeting. Hand out dinosaur stickers. Fly planes. Teach kids. Drive school buses. Win your court cases. Make money for your clients.
Go be productive. I'll be blogging and on Zoom meetings.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com