Elizabeth Hurley Invades The Maldives, Karen Rodgers Is Eliminated By The Lions & Vegas Guy Hits $6.4 Million Pai Gow Jackpot
How was that for an end to the regular season?
Again, I'm not allowed to talk about the Lions, so I'll just mention that they damn near pulled off one of the craziest runs to the NFL playoffs (started 1-6, including a disgusting 29-0 loss to the Patriots) in the history of the expanded playoffs which date back to the 2021 season. Now, I know there are Lions fans out there who are still super pissed at this franchise and consider them to be complete failures, but those same people have to be walking a little straighter into work this morning after possibly ending Aaron Rodgers' NFL career.
Would Rodgers leave a fully guaranteed $58 million and change on the table after being knocked out of the playoffs by the Lions? If so, a banner should hang from the Ford Field rafters.
• I knew Lions fan Brian in Tennessee would be fired up this morning and he didn't disappoint:
The only redeeming thing the Lions did all year was keeping that punk ass bitch Aaron Rodgers out of the playoffs. Maybe he can go do some hot yoga with his new girlfriend and do some interviews whining about how he's a victim. His balls are in a jar to make them more portable to go from nightstand to nightstand as his girlfriends change more than the weather. He's such a beta for someone trying to project as an alpha.
And it's now been 31 years since the last Lions playoff win.
That's true, but Lions fans should go ahead and claim Sunday night as a playoff win.
• Pat in Vancouver, USA writes:
Joe, thanks for promoting the Lions all season. It paid off for my Seahawks tonight.
Such a pleasure to see Aaron Rodgers not smirking at the end of the game.
Wild Card Weekend Schedule:
NFC: 4:30 p.m. (ET) (7) Seattle Seahawks at (2) San Francisco 49ers (FOX)
AFC: 8:15 p.m. (ET) (5) Los Angeles Chargers at (4) Jacksonville Jaguars (NBC)
AFC: 1:00 p.m. (ET) (7) Miami Dolphins at (2) Buffalo Bills (CBS)
NFC: 4:30 p.m. (ET) (6) New York Giants at (3) Minnesota Vikings (FOX)
AFC: 8:15 p.m. (ET) (6) Baltimore Ravens at (3) Cincinnati Bengals (NBC)
NFC: 8:15 p.m. (ET) (5) Dallas Cowboys at (4) Tampa Bay Buccaneers (ESPN/ABC)
What about your Bengals?
• Rann writes:
Are you a happy man right now?
Bengals looking good. Congrats!
No, I'm not a happy man right now. Full chip on the shoulder. Actually, we're talking a full sleeve of Pringles on the shoulder right now, Rann. The NFL owners who pulled their stunt on the Bengals are the enemy and Joe Burrow has no choice but to run right through the Bills and Chiefs.
There's unfinished business, Rann!

• Tom H. in Fort Wayne, IN writes:
Congrats Joe! I’m not in the Kinsey house, but if I was I think I’d be smellin’ Super Bowl.
One game at a time, Tom. First up are those stinkin' Ravens. I'm not a huge fan of getting the Sunday night slot because that means we can't throw a party in honor of this playoff team, but MY Bengals are in and now the methodical march begins.
The good news is that the team has even more motivation to take care of business after the scumbag NFL owners threw this team under the bus.
• John in SD writes:
Hockey Jets scored more points than the football Jets; think about that.
Seahawks and Lions stepped up big time and we got great games to wrap up the season; off to the playoffs. SNF would have been better muted as Collinsworth was nauseating (muting was recommended by a Screencaps reader recently, SNF was the right night for it). Aaron Rodgers is gone.
Troy Aikman was an A-hole and overly critical of both quarterbacks during the game but especially of Goldilocks (not a fan of either Aikman or Laurence btw).
We’re all extremely grateful for Damar’s recovery. Many interviews and commentary have mentioned how unprecedented this is. A little bit of history:
In 1905, American football faced a crisis. Far to many young men were being killed while playing football and no one was taking any serious actions to reduce the risks. The headline at the top of the right hand column in The Chicago Sunday Tribune on November 26, 1905 screamed, "Football Year's Death Harvest - Record Shows That Nineteen Players Have Been Killed; One Hundred Thirty-seven Hurt - Two Are Slain Saturday."
Glad that this game has progressed to where we are and player safety in a dangerous sport is at the forefront of conversation today.
Go Horned Frogs tonight!
Oh yeah, the national championship is tonight...I almost forgot
• Sam L., a great Dawgs fan, has a field report to share:
Second road trip to LA.
First was Rose Bowl. Trip was jamed with NYE, checking out Hollywood, seeing the floats getting finishing touches, and the game.
We're a little more chilled this go around. Walking around Venice Beach. Eating and drinking

That's Sam, back row, tall guy. He just might end up being one of the better photographers to send in material to Screencaps. Look at the lighting on the tacos below. / Photos by Sam L.

Speaking of photographers
This was sent in by a new emailer in Clinton, Tennessee. You guys are starting to get the hang of this Screencaps game. Great work, G.

Travel ball fundraisers shouldn't be compared to asking for financial help to fund an adoption or IVF, emailer writes
• Steve in PA writes:
I'll keep it short and sweet.
If you think asking for help paying for a kids travel sports team is the equivalent of asking for help with adoption or IVF (costs in excess of $30k UP FRONT, not covered by insurance) then you're a fucking idiot who has had way too easy of a time in life to understand the heartbreak these issues could cause a couple who goes through them. By no fault of their own.
Kind of disappointed in you, too, for even posting his response. Maybe you can learn something from this email. You guys have absolutely no idea what it's like (if you did, you would have reacted to what he said the same way I have) and perhaps you should take the time to educate yourself.
That's all. Thanks for your time.
Here's what Brian in Atlanta wrote:
I don’t understand the people that ask others to fund their lifestyle or choices. You chose to have your kid play travel ball – why are you asking for me to help you pay for it?
I’ll take it further – People do this for mission trips and adoptions. If you are wanting to go on a mission trip – you should have prepared yourself to do that on your own. Save up your own money to go instead of asking me to fund your trip. Same for adoption.
I know it is expensive – kids are expensive – if that is what you feel is best for your family then you need to do everything you can to afford that.
Screencaps readers on visiting hospitals and Damar Hamlin
• John L. writes:
My seven year old border collie, Laddie, is a certified therapy dog. We go by the local rehabilitation and nursing home twice a week. One of our good friends there is 98 year old Eva, who suffers memory lapses yet otherwise is doing quite well. She may not know what day of the week it is, but she sure remembers Laddie and always loves seeing him.
I am struck by how many of the residents rarely have visitors. We now know dozens of them and make our rounds to provide these folks with some company.
• Jeff B. in Colorado writes:
Apologies if you've already covered this, but the one of the biggest takeaways folks should have from the Damar Hamlin situation is this: He is alive because CPR was started almost immediately and a defibrillator was available very shortly after. Does your local high school gymnasium or football field have an AED (automatic external defibrillator)? Is the staff trained on how to use it? Have you taken a CPR class? How recently?
Early CPR and AED use are the two best chances for saving the life of someone in cardiac arrest.
Snowblower help for those who need it...here in Ohio it's not going to snow for at least the next two weeks
• Bob L. in Stoughton, MA writes:
Tried Troybuilt but switched to Ariens
Night and day difference
Here in MA can get at any true value hardware franchise
Where's the OutKick author page?
I'm told this will be addressed this morning.
• Brad M. writes:
I echo the sentiment that Outkick’s topline menu/index/links might be updated or expanded to reach Screencaps directly, especially as Screencaps pieces under ‘Culture’ are not labeled or tagged as such.
I also tend to click on individual writer names (including your own) to reach their content. In your case, it’s another means of finding Screencaps if I miss any.
I was, therefore, puzzled by an otherwise blank page under your byline this morning. By way of comparison, content from other writers eg Amber Harding and Matt Reigle are all present and accounted for.
I’m guessing this is just a site quirk, a publishing/design oversight etc. but found it noticeable and possibly interesting to readers and you?
We will keep the conspiracy theories & paranoia in check for now.
And with that, let's get rolling on a quiet January Monday morning. Remember, no tailgating at SoFi Stadium, Dawgs fans! You'll go to those tent parties and like it.
Have a great day.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com