Elizabeth Hurley Gets Out Of The Pool For Dinner, Eagles Fan Wants A Tush Push & Fists Fly At Mississippi Waffle House
Now that's a football weekend!
We learned and relearned three very valuable lessons this weekend from football.
Questions to ponder this morning:
• Gerard W. writes:
College Football is just a fashion show. The prettiest get to advance to the finals. Florida State just got pushed off the stage by a broad with bigger boobs. There never has been a true National Champion. It's all such a joke. I couldn't care less who wins these next 3 Exhibition games. Because that's what this is. Maybe I will pay attention next year when we have a true playoff.
• Brian S. in Montclair, NJ writes:
I don’t think the Hamas barbarians got as much hate as the college football selection committee. Rhetoric down the line from the FSU administration and coaches, the ACC, social media, and the TV hairdos is patently ridiculous.
My kids had better control of themselves during the toddler years, and they had none. Great examples about rolling with the punches and dealing with the disappointments that life sometimes hands you - and a relatively minor one at that, in the scope of things. It’s a f--king game people. Nobody got killed, and it doesn’t matter in the end.
Thank you for saying it, Brian. As an Ohio State fan, I had a very comfortable weekend just rolling with the punches.
• Aaron H. writes:
A star is born.

Nope. She's now forgotten. Georgia lost and that's it. Did you see Kirby and Mike Norvell's faces during the Orange Bowl press conference? The season is over. Boobs McGee and the Georgia season is over just like that. Now Brock Bowers needs to go rest up for his NFL career.
• Ducks fan Shawn in Canby, OR is OK after that tough loss:
Thanks for the condolences Joe.
Yeah, pretty disappointed in my Ducks. Its the best TEAM they've had in a decade. But they got beat, no excuses, no blame. They got beat by a better team (ouch).
Good observations on the game energy and there's a couple reasons why:
1) Oregon and Washington have always had the most fan intensity, especially against each other.
2) They finally moved the damn Conference Championship game out of San Francisco. No one there, or in California at all, cares about college football. Having the game there, and the conference HQ there was a vanity project for the libtards that destroyed the PAC12 and the actual states it encompasses (see Portland or the poop map in SF).
3) The geography of the Pac12 WAS vast. Having the game in Vegas provided a more central, easy to get to, fun place people want to go to. NOT San Francisco
The LA schools (and really all of California) don't care about college football or sports in general, unless their teams are winning. They are always all blow and no go, and soft. The Big10 will destroy them, but they get the big TV market!
So, the two best teams, two most intense fan bases (especially against each other), at a great location - winner!
It was really a great game, except for the final score.
Do you root for your conference teams during Bowl season?
• Benny writes:
Thanks for another great week of outstanding SC content. Hopefully you have somewhat recovered after the Wolverines left Ryan Day stranded on 3rd base again in The Game. The recruit defections probably aren't helping the recovery process. I won't pretend every defection is like a savory desert after a satisfying meal.
As championship weekend is here and the CFP and Bowl season upon us, I have a question for you: once Ohio St. is eliminated, do you root for other B1G teams in the playoffs and bowls, even MICHIGAN? Or are you on the "anybody but MICHIGAN" train? I am always MICHIGAN first, but root for all the B1G teams in the CFP/Bowls... even Little Brother and the Ohio St. (as painful as it is even writing that).
Curious how you and the SC community have their loyalties once your team is finished. Have a great weekend!
Benny, I wouldn't root for Michigan in a football game against ISIS and I hope it's the same way for Michigan fans.
That Browns fan in Canton, OH who was mad at me for hoping Browns fans are miserable by the end of the year will probably email to yell at me, but that's how, in my mind, these rivalries should go. They're rivalries for a reason.
Outside of Michigan bowl games where I root for ISIS, I'll root for a good game and chaos.
The NFL, the Chiefs and the Lions falling 'ass backwards out of the playoffs'
• John in Milford, MI writes:
Watching the Packers beat the Chiefs tonight, I couldn’t help but notice that the NFL still has an unhealthy desire to see the Chiefs succeed. Mind you I didn’t want the Pack to win - I’m still worried the Lions will find a way to fall ass backwards out of the playoffs.
See below transcript commenting on the Hail Mary to the end zone at the end of the game (right after the personal foul for hitting Mahomes while he was still in bounds):
Tirico: “And there is the angle that shows maybe the most significant contact from Owens to Madam Swift.”
Collinsworth: “There was a push, you can’t deny it, there was a push.”
I didn’t realize a little jostling was no longer allowed in pro football. That Hail Mary was basically a game of 500, and Taylor’s lady friend was standing in the front of the swarm. Of course he got pushed.
Now I am watching them revisit the issue post-game in the studio. I think Collinsworth might cry. Reminds me of something, but I can’t quite put my finger on it - Hillary supporters on election night 2016? Guess maybe I am still bitter myself from last year’s AFC Championship and Super Bowl. KC has nothing to complain about when it comes to officiating.
Based on current standings, the Lions would play the Vikings at home in January in front of the loudest stadium in downtown Detroit history. I know you're starting to worry about that defense, but it's early December and the Lions are on the verge of clinching the division, which is causing huge pressure.
Enjoy the moment Lions fans. Yesterday should have been fun. Soak it in.
Garage caves!
• L.A. Don says:
I’ve been I’ve been seeing your write-ups on multiple TV set ups. Well, check out my neighbors set up in his garage. This is where all us dads go to get in trouble. He’s the most popular Neigbor in my neighborhood. (What you don’t see is his full scale slider fridges AND vending machine on the right). Even has 3 life size arcade games.

I can't remember the last time I caught myself jonesing to catch a big game at a sports bar and I have to believe that's not an uncommon feeling now that us men have the power of these TV walls, vending machines, VR headsets to play golf during halftime, and smokers pumping out meat all day.
• L.A. Don also sent in a Dana Point Harbor sunset:

• Dale A. writes:
This is probably the funniest thing that I have seen since the Hangover. Action, tits, & politically incorrect humor that you just don’t get anymore. It is eight episodes of Screencaps.

You have my attention, Dale.
Imagine driving across Michigan when Whitmer outlaws unleaded fuel and your Chevy Volt loses power

That's it. We're good to go this morning. We have a CFP Final Four. The bowl games have been announced.
Do we want to have a Screencaps Bowl Pick 'Em contest? Of course we do. I'll get that organized.
Let's go have a great day of work and then get home to watch Hallmark Movies and MY Bengals.
Email: joekinsey@gmail.com