Elizabeth Hurley-Christie Brinkley Tropics-Off, IVF Super Bowl Fundraiser & Ja'Marr Has Hair!

Here comes an EARLY SPRING – – Tom H. & Cindi H., not to be confused with Mike T. & Cindy T. from Idaho, sent in a field report straight from Punxsutawney Phil's HQ

It's great to hear from Tom & Cindi H. from Fort Wayne, IN, who have actually stopped by my house a couple of times over the years to drop off maple syrup that my kids LOVE. Cindi H. once complimented the trees on our street and how lovely the street is with its canopy, and it just might've been one of the simplest, and nicest compliments I've received. 

• Tom H. reports: 

This is one of the craziest events we’ve ever been to.  There has to be 15,000 people here. We left our cabin at 4 am for the hour drive to Gobblers Knob. Live entertainment all morning. Terrific pre dawn fireworks! Best of all, Phil didn’t didn’t see his shadow so get your mowers ready!!

Random things I jotted down in my digital notebook this week

1. Have you ever been so in love with a food item to the point where you'd drive four hours to eat, spend the night and drive home the next day? What's the longest you'd drive for a specific menu item over a weekend? 

This week, the text group started talking about Up North® and I started thinking of the Turbacado sandwich at Snowbelt Brewing in Gaylord, MI that the guys got me hooked on last summer and I damn near told Mrs. Screencaps we're driving north this weekend to eat. 


2. Here's one that Mrs. Screencaps brought up: Why do the Valentine's Day card companies need to be such dicks over the quantities they sell to the moms out there. Mrs. Screencaps says they'll sell packs of 16 cards while fully knowing these elementary classes have like 22-26 kids. It's a dick move and she knows it, but she'd never say [quote] "that's a dick move," but I will. 

3. Last week, during my appearance on the Dan Dakich show, he brought up the topic of props that Instagram models use and what are some of my favorites. So let's list a few of them. 

  • The Bahamas swimming pigs on Pig Island or whatever they call it
  • NFL jerseys/team gear
  • Dogs
  • Float planes
  • Chainsaws
  • Guns

There will be an Instagram model who poses in a Chiefs jersey and she's going to go viral next week. This is basic Internet 101 science. 

Speaking of the Ts, they checked in this morning (they'd get along great with the Hs)

• Mike T. writes from Spain: 

Spanish breakfast: Churros with chocolate and coffee with milk

Here's why Mike T. and Cindy T. are the greatest: Mike T. will get right into the action with his camera. Unlike Rick Steeves and his uninspiring wandering around some European city, Mike T. will get in there to see how the Churro Bros. do their work. Rick Steeves won't do this! 

The Ts woke up to this over the Mediterranean from their hideout in Malaga:

Celebrating Nolan Ryan this week for his 77th birthday & big moments in sports 

• Jeff M. writes : 

Joe, your tweet about Nolan Ryan got me reminiscing. You see I was there that night in Arlington, wearing Sox gear, with about 20 other Sox fans who had moved to TX from Chicago in a corporate move. I was in the outfield on those aluminum bleachers that would have made a decent TX HS stadium ashamed (Seriously, Arlington Stadium was worse than a AAA stadium back in the early 90's).  

Anyway, after Robin got his ass kicked, we almost had to fight our way out of the stadium.  It didn't help that my buddy stood up during the 7th inning stretch and exclaimed "Are we at a baseball game or a f--king RODEO?!" when they played Thank God I'm a Country boy instead of Take Me Out to the Ballgame.  Good times.

But it got me thinking, who else in the Screencaps universe has a famous sports event in-person story?  I'm betting there's a ton of great ones!  Just a way to kill time before the BIG GAME (I don't want Goodell's stormtroopers coming after me for calling it by the real name!)


I've written about this one before. The best I can do is my timing of being in Seattle on October 1, 2004 when Ichiro broke George Sisler's all-time single-season hits record. That morning, I drove to Mt. St. Helens where there was anticipation the mountain was going to blow up again. You're damn right I wanted to be there. I was all about content before working on the Internet.

I got to the nearest visitor's center where the road was lined with TV trucks, I backed the car into a spot facing the mountain, turned on music, sat there, might've eaten some lunch, I took a walk, some guy asked me if I wanted weed, the mountain blew up, I got in the car, drove back to Seattle, bought a single ticket in the club/suite level for that night's game, went to a bar, had a couple of beers, decided I would hop on a city bus to do a tour of the city, but the bus was a one-way after-work bus dropping off people in West Seattle and then the bus driver said words I didn't want to hear. 

"Last stop," she said as we sat there in nowhere West Seattle. 

I explained my situation and how I was just trying to sight see real Seattle before the Mariners game. She told me to stay on the bus and delivered me right back downtown to the ballpark. 

I went in, found my seat in the 200 level next to a nice family and saw Ichiro break the hits record. 

What a day. 

Internet panhandling takes a turn – Super Bowl IVF panhandling

• Jacob B. writes: 

I’ve truly seen it all now!


That's it this morning. It's been one for the ages. Put it this way, I feel like I've been hit with 2X4s in a loser-leaves-town match against Hacksaw Jim Duggan. My brain is just trying to get to the finish line. 

Yes, we have much more to take care of with the site. Yes, I see your reviews and comments. Yes, we'll get it dialed in. But, for now, all I can think about is the weekend without football. I might actually just sit in silence for hours. 

Take care. 

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

Numbers from :

Stuff You Guys Sent In & Stuff I Like :

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.