Insane Body Camera Footage Shows Deadly Police Shooting | GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING

The El Paso Police Department released what might be the most chilling body camera footage the public has seen in a long time.

The department released video of an officer shooting and killing Michael Anthony Estrada in early March after an exchange that is almost impossible to believe is real.

Estrada wouldn't listen to orders from the unnamed officers, then declared he had a gun, when the cop told him to comply and show him his hands, Estrada began taunting the officer with words that will chill you to the bone.

"You want to go home tonight, right," Estrada asked the officer during the interaction at a car wash. He also told the cop he picked the wrong day to go to work. Eventually, Estrada appeared to make a quick movement for something, and that's when he was shot by the officer.

You can watch the video below, but be warned, it is *VERY DISTURBING CONTENT.* Also, be sure to send me your thoughts at

El Paso police release chilling shooting video.

The police haven't released all the details of the shooting, including whether or not Estrada was armed with a firearm as he claimed, according to the El Paso Times. It's also not clear if Michael Estrada is the same Michael Estrada who was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison for threatening to shoot up his former elementary school in Las Cruces, according to the same report.

More than anything, this situation shows the incredible pressure police officers can be under. The officer in this video, whose name doesn't appear to be public, did every single thing right. He was calm, spoke politely with Estrada and gave simple orders to exit the vehicle and show his hands.

Instead, Estrada threatened that he had a gun and implied he was ready to murder the officer. How stupid of a human do you need to be in order to threaten to kill a cop who has a gun pointed right at you?

Just a horrible situation for the officer who had to shoot a man claiming he would kill the El Paso cop. Let me know your thoughts on the chilling exchange at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.