Eco-Conscious Meghan Markle Takes Private Jet For 3-Hour Trip To Indy

Meghan Markle and her husband have vowed to reach 'Net Zero' Carbon emissions by 2030. That's just over 7 years away so there's plenty of time to make up for her taking a private jet to and from a three-hour trip to Indianapolis.

Markle — the prolific podcaster who did 12 episodes in 2 years — was spotted boarding a private jet at the Colts' private hangar after a speaking engagement at the Marriott in Downtown Indianapolis.

Markle was booked as a speaker at the "The Power of Women" event hosted by the Women’s Fund of Central Indiana. It sure sounds like a swanky event. And you can bet the opportunity to hear the incredible insights of a moderately successful actress would carry quite a price tag.

In fact, The Daily Mail reports it was $5,000 a plate. That's not how most of us would spend our hard-earned money, but to each their own.

As one would expect from someone who managed to become persona non grata with the Royal Family, Markle showed up just 20 minutes before the start of the event.

Of course, she's very busy. Again, she had to find time to cram 12 whole podcasts over two years.

Once she was there, Markle was guarded by an enormous security team and no media was allowed at the event.

After she was enlightening her audience on how "difficult" is code for "b----," it was back on that plane to spew more of those carbon emissions she claims to be fighting.

Markle's Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds

Markle and her husband continue to be hypocrites of the highest order. The two came under fire in 2019 for using private jets 4 times in just 11 days. Two years later they made their "Net Zero" proclamation.

Now she's cranking carbon dioxide into the air for a longer period than she spent in Indianapolis.

It's a real slap in the face to the people of Indy who welcomed her. She couldn't even be bothered to hang in their city for longer than the absolute minimum amount of time.

She could've hung around and taken a trip out to Indianapolis Motor Speedway, checked out the Kurt Vonnegut Museum, or crushed a delicious pork tenderloin sandwich.

Nope, nope, and hell nope.

Why didn't she go to the Indianapolis Zoo and pretend to love animals for a few hours? Maybe snap a couple of pictures of herself holding a sloth for the 'Gram.

Nope, she wanted to get out of Dodge ASAP. If you think about it, she probably would've spent more time in Dodge City than she did in Indy. It's hard to spend any less.

She was barely in town long enough for that private jet of hers to refuel for its carbon-spewing journey back to California.

Follow on Twitter: @Matt_Reigle

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.