People Reveal Last Words Before Death, Answers Are Epic

What would your last words be if it was time to punch out of this life?

As usual, I found myself scrolling Reddit in the early morning hours while sipping on my coffee, and I was eager to find something to move the needle.

After all, you never know what you're going to find on Reddit. It's a true Wild West atmosphere, and that leads us to a banger of a thread.

Reddit users reveal what they'd want last words to be.

What's the thread that we have today? A true gem asking:

"If death sits next to you in a bar and says 'finish your drink, it's time to go.' what will be your response?"

As someone who constantly jokes around with friends about fighting demons and the darkness of life (I'm a happy guy, I swear), I couldn't click fast enough.

The answers didn't disappoint. Check out some of the responses below, and let me know what you think at

  • Chug
  • Sorry I’m not looking for a relationship.
  • I have a boyfriend
  • I'd have a chat with him. See if he likes the job.
  • Same, a drink and a chat. There’s really no other ending.
  • Fine but you pay.
  • "hold my beer"
  • "It's about damn time."
  • It's not Finnish, it's Scotch. Go away.
  • "Not today"
  • I'm staying. I'm staying and finishing my coffee!
  • Point at him and Yell, "Death! Hey It’s death everybody! See…no one cares"
  • You're late.
  • "I don't need to finish my drink. Let's go."
  • "It's just Pepsi."
  • Bartender, Another round!
  • If it’s a Bartender at Wild Wings, we’re both going to be waiting for eternity.
  • And thats why he died...
  • Pull out the Battleships game
  • I carry an uno reverse card in my pocket exactly for situations like this
  • I don't drink anymore, why am I here?
  • "You’re telling me this now? You just saw me order bottom shelf. Come on, man. I can’t go out like that"
  • "Look, I divorced you years ago. Leave me alone already."
  • "Catch me if you can!" And then run off
  • Took you long enough you lazy b*stard.
  • Excuse me bouncer, this creeps making unwanted advances!
  • You walked right past me how many times and now you show up? F*ck off.
  • Gimme three steps gimme three steps mister and you’ll never see me no more
  • Alright, but you’re buying the next round—where we’re headed better have good whiskey.
  • Pull a "these aren’t the droids you’re looking for"
  • So I’m immortal if I don’t drink it?

To tell you how funny this thread was to me, our group shirts for Vegas a few years ago literally said, "The Devil Whispered To Me. I Whispered Back Bring Beer."

Very on brand. Very on point.


I can't say I've spent much time thinking specifically about what I'd want my last words to be, but I do know this. I want to go out in epic fashion.

Huge gun battle, wild adventure in the mountains, a disaster in South America with the boys or something along those lines.

If the angel of death were to sit down next me at a bar, I might have to borrow a line from Raylan Givens and paraphrase it:

"I thought you'd bring more guys."

If not that, "Next one is coming faster" might be the gold standard.

What would your last words be if you had to choose your last words before heading to the other side? Let me know at

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.