Dating Complaints Go Viral, Comments Get Very Dark And Depressing
An incredible Reddit thread is pulling back the curtain on dating issues people face.
As we all know, I'm a bit of a Reddit addict. I'm not even sure why. It's probably because you never know what you're going to find.
Sometimes, you find yourself reading about historical mysteries. Other times, you might stumble upon something really funny.
It's truly the Wild West of the internet.
Dating complaints go viral on Reddit.
A viral thread popped up asking people their thoughts on the current dating scene in America and the roadblocks people face.
People have plenty of theories about why the dating scene has turned into a horror show. Check out some of the answers for why the dating situation is pretty bad, and let me know at
- A combination of people relying too much on apps (or even entirely on them), and entertainment at home alone has become a lot more fun than ever before.
- 80-90% of my friends who graduated college with a partner married that person. 10 years later virtually none of the people who did not graduate college in a relationship are married, and exactly zero people in my network at 33 have a child if they did not start a relationship with their partner before 24. That's a pretty wild/disturbing thing.
- I found myself unexpectedly single in 2021 after a 10 year marriage and yeah, every dating app sucks now. Lots of features don't even exist anymore, like letting you search for people instead of just relying on what the algorithm decides to show you. OK Cupid used to show you a person's message response rate so you could save your time if they never responded to anyone. And I feel like there are way more bots and scammers. But meanwhile, people aren't drinking as much so bars aren't a great option and as a 40 year-old with a full time job, friends/family to spend time with, and a house and pets to take care of, I don't have the free time to do something like attending random meetup groups or volunteering hoping to maybe meet someone.
- Back in the day girls would say they wanted a guy over 6' and guys would say they wanted a girl who was a solid 10; but then they'd meet, make each other laugh, and suddenly a guy who is 5'9 and a girl who is a 6 with makeup, would be "good enough" for each other. Now all you have are pictures and stats. There's no opportunity to charm someone. No chance to win them over. You can basically filter out the "undesirable" qualities, never realizing you may have swiped a soulmate out of your life. Obviously it's getting worse as people are more reluctant to leave the house and, therefore, more reliant on online dating.
- Being married feels like making the last chopper out of Vietnam.
- Obviously purely anecdotal, but yeah I had way more fun with dating 20 years ago, it was less hostile and way more optimistic. What was once a lot of hope about the future is replaced by the unease that everyone is one swipe away from jumping ship, which in turn makes you not want to invest in anybody. Apps are the ouroboros of dating.
- There is no dating scene anymore It's just a bunch of people on cellphones all desperately trying to f*ck the hottest person possible Everyone else just stays at home or hangs with friends/family because it's cheaper and more entertaining to be at home or someone else's home than it is to go spend 20 bucks on like 3 beers in a bar.
- As an average looking dude, dating apps are not easy. if you're a good looking guy, like some of my friends, absolutely another game. apps really f*ck with self-esteem, at least mine.
- I keep getting led on by guys taking me on a few dates and then saying, "btw I’m not looking for anything serious but we can be fwb" and I’m about to rip my hair out.
- Far too many young people are embracing the "all women are gold diggers", "all men are misogynistic assholes" stereotypes as if it's a good thing.
- Social media and lack of shared spaces perpetuate this. Men and women look at each other through glass panes. If I had one piece of advice for young people on dating, it would be to maintain a positive outlook, despite all the bad media. No one likes a miserable cynic. Everything goes better when you go in with the glass half full.
- Dating is harder because people swipe left faster than they blink IRL.
- I lasted for 30 minutes on a dating app before I deleted it. I was disturbed by the way I found myself feeling about people. They became these options where u would look for faults. I didn’t like the way it made me feel about myself and other people. Swipe, swipe, maybe….. oh hates dogs? Swipe?
- I haven't dated in over a decade but my single buddies say it's a goddamn cesspool. We used to just meet chicks at bars and social events.
- Online dating in its current format is detrimental to men's health and overall long-term healthy relationships.
Notice a trend with these answers? It's pretty obvious, and it's that dating apps are a disaster for this country and the way young people communicate.
You used to have to do this insane thing called walking up to a person and speaking to them. Now, people just hide behind computer screens lobbed DMs like Hail Mary passes to win the game.
I've long argued that dating apps are terrible, and need to be discouraged at all costs. I haven't been on them in well over half a decade, and I never had any issues on them. However, even I could tell it was a looming disaster they were going to be, and that's coming from someone in a major metro area where there's, in theory, endless options.

People on Reddit are going viral complaining about the state of dating in America. (Credit: Getty Images)
Put your phones down, go out and meet people and actually learn how to communicate with people. It might sound daunting and intimidating. In many ways, it can be, but the alternative is a nightmare society should never promote.