Dad Roasts Daughter With Simple Comment After She Gets Stuck In Snow: WATCH
A dad absolutely cooked his daughter after she made the foolish decision to try to drive in the snow.
Few things in life are more entertaining than parents roasting their kids for dumb decisions. As long as it's not malicious, it tends to be pretty funny.
It's a reminder of the old saying, "I taught you everything you know, but not everything I know."

A daughter got roasted by her dad after managing to get her vehicle stuck in the snow. (Credit: Getty Images)
Dad roasts daughter after she gets her vehicle stuck in the snow.
That was on display in a viral TikTok video generating plenty of attention. TikTok user Claire Mac attempted to drive in the snow because she's "just a girl who had a Pilates class to attend."
As you'd expect, it went very poorly and she ended up getting her vehicle stuck. Her dad didn't hesitate to hit her with some facts.
"Who goes out to do freaking workouts with eight feet of snow? I hope you get your Uggs wet," her dad told her while assessing the situation.
Boom! Roasted!
Watch the hilarious viral moment unfold below, and let me know your thoughts at
People in the comments also loved the dad's reaction to his daughter getting stuck in snow because she wanted to go to a workout class:
- The Ugg comment was so iconic of him!!!!
- Hahaha. I hope you get your uggs wet
- Mom is just there for the plot and giggles
- The fact he even knows that about the Uggs
- "DAAAAAAAAAADDD" the distress is felt
- Personal attack on the Uggs
- The Uggs comment just proves how well this dad knows his daughter and how long he's been putting up with her nonsense
- mom in the back laughing LOLOLLL
- Your dad is an icon. He knows where to hit the blow with the uggs comment
- The Ugg comment was so aggressive.
Props to this dude. He seems like the perfect kind of guy to sit down and have a couple beers with. If I had to guess, I'd float a theory that the dad likely advised his daughter to not do it.
Naturally, young people always know best and that's how she found herself stuck. It's just a theory. I can't prove it, but I'm certainly leaning towards that being the case, judging by the dad's reaction.

Dad roasts daughter after she gets stuck in the snow. (Credit: Getty Images)
Next time, stay at home with some hot chocolate and ride out the storm. It's not that hard to figure out. Let me know what you think at