Creepy Stories Go Viral, Will Make Your Skin Crawl
Creepy work stories are going viral, and it's a must-read thread.
As OutKick readers know, I'm a big Reddit guy. You simply never know what you're going to find or what rabbit hole you might end up going down.
It's a true no-man's land with infinite possibilities. Some good. Some bad. Some strange. Some downright mind-boggling.
Creepy work stories go viral on Reddit.
That leads us to a viral Reddit thread breaking down creepy night shift experiences at work. Without explanation, take a dive into the stories below, and hit me with your reactions at
- Working third shift as an EMT called to do welfare check with PD, we could see the guys legs hanging over his bed through the bedroom window. Knocking no movement at all obvious dead body. We force the garage door into the kitchen, soon as we do hit with the death smell it’s certain. All of a sudden we hear hysterical laughing, chilled me to the bone. Who could be in this house with a body that smells that bad. PD drew guns from holsters starts clearing the house giving commands while the laughing continues. Turns out it was the dead guys pet bird.
- I used to work alone late at night at a warehouse near a port (for safety that sh*t wouldn't fly these days). There's this one cold, very foggy night I'm on the forklift. It's like 1AM or something, I look out and there's this silhouette of a person just standing there, under the streetlight, shrouded by fog. It scared the sh*t out of me, as I was so used to being the only person in that area after like 7PM. Anyways, the outline of a person got larger and larger through the dense fog, and finally a very homely looking guy emerged yelling, "Hey!" I get off the forklift and go over to him, not knowing if he was a threat. Dude cops a huge toothless smile as he just asked, "Where the lot lizards at!?" I sent him on the way to the Love's truck stop a few blocks down. I hope he found true love that night.
- Night shift nurse. Lots of spooky things, but then one that always creeped me out was at the nursing home I used to work at. It had been an old mansion prior to it being turned into a facility so it already had creepy Addams family vibes. But it was just a thing where residents would see a little boy playing in their room before they died. I’d be giving meds or whatnot and they would look past me and point to nothing ("is that little boy yours?" "Why is that boy up so late?"). All of them would die within days of seeing him. Also pretty neat in a way.
- Closing up a restaurant at midnight. Was mopping the dining area turned around to rinse the mop and looked out the window to see a 9' to 10' moose looking in the window back at me. I swear my heart stopped for a few seconds. Then it just walked off across the road.
- Driving an 18-wheeler at night I've had a couple of things happen. One night around midnight (after driving most of the day) in heavy traffic near Murfreesboro, Tn, I saw a lady in between lanes with a lacy white dress just blowing in the wind. I slammed on the brakes and missed -- a broken bag of concrete with the dust all in the air. I immediately found a place to park and went to bed.
- I used to work the overnight shift at WalMart years ago when it was open 24/7. One night, a girl who was stocking the aisle next to mine let out a blood-curdling scream. She found a cat’s head on the shelf behind some canned goods. Just the head. She thought it was a stuffed toy or something and grabbed it. We called the police but nothing ever came of it.
- I was working in a 7-11 at night and a man walked in obviously very high on something. He didn’t acknowledge me and walked straight to where the beer is, and then turned and went around to the walk-in part of the fridge where the back stock is. As I went over to get him out, I saw his huge eyes peering at me through the fridge doors and I hesitated for a second because he had this insane look on his face. I finally went to yell at him and he grabbed a Corona bottle and smashed it like in the movies, pointed the shards of the bottle neck at me and said something in a different language I didn’t recognize (there’s a pretty wide variety of accents and languages where I lived, but this one was unusual and totally new to me). I immediately backed out and called the police while he kept breaking things in there, eventually gashing his upper arm somehow, and they tazed him in the fridge lol. I’ll never forget those eyes though, it sent a chill down my spine. He very well could have been thinking about killing me.
- I used to work night shifts as a janitor at a small office building. One night around 2 AM, I was mopping the hallway when I heard someone typing on a keyboard. It was weird because I was the only one there. I checked the office where the sound was coming from, and all the lights were off. I walked in, and it stopped. But the chair at the desk was slowly spinning, like someone had just been sitting there. I left my mop and didn’t go back in. I finished my shift in the lobby.
- Used to work in Vegas as a diver for the huge aquariums in one of the casinos. This tank happened to be close by to the entrance of a popular nightclub. We started our dives at 3am and let me tell you nothing good happens at 3am in Vegas. I’m outside the tank, spotting my other diver, and see some paramedics roll up with a stretcher and a little while later they bring this dude out of the club FULLY strapped down and he is laughing like the damn joker with his eyes rolling up into his head. His face is COVERED in dozens and dozens of razor cuts. Honestly there isn’t much blood but you just see these lines all over his face and he is just losing his mind and laughing. It was so completely unnerving and the rest of the area is just so silent and all I can hear is my diver air comp and his laughing. I can only assume bad trip and/or psychosis and here’s hoping the guy got the help he needed. His face was probably f*cked for life.
- 4AM, I was on my way across a parking lot to meet up a coworker, as I passed a building I hear a noise and look to my left, not 5 meters from me there's a dude dressed in all black scaling the wall to an apartment, close to the balcony at the 1st floor. As soon as I looked in his direction he slid down the downspout. I just continued walking wherever I was supposed to go as if it was just an ordinary Tuesday, hoping that whoever I saw didn't want no business with me unless I stepped in their way. Called the cops as soon as I met up with my coworker.
- My friends mum was doing the night shift at the nursing home she worked at after a few days off the rota. At some point during the night she noticed one of the elderly ladies (we'll call her Ethel) was out of her room and walking about in the corridor. She called out to her "All ok Ethel? Go back to bed love" Ethel turned and looked at her, smiled, and then went back into her room. In the morning changeover she was asked if there were any issues to which she replied "No, all quiet. Ethel was up for a bit but went back to bed". The staff member looked at her for a moment before saying "Ethel died a couple of days ago" She went to her room to check and it was empty.
- My mom claims to have seen something similar when she was a nurse. When I was a nurse I never saw anything strange but I worked with other nurses who swore to having similar experiences with the recently deceased.
- I work nights at a hospital on the mother-baby unit/postpartum. We have security tags (like ankle monitors) on babies so no one can take them out of our locked unit floor. The tags alarm us if someone tampers with them or if it's not in contact enough with the newborns ankle. One night, it was just 2 of us working, the other nurse was not around. Room 232 baby alarm starts sounding, saying "hugs Tag too loose" meaning there wasn't enough contact with the newborn..... There was no patient in room 232. No newborn. No mom. It was empty. As soon as the other nurse came back, it alarmed like 2 more times then stopped. Neither of us wanted to go check lol till this day that room freaks me out a bit.
Lots of very strange stories in that thread. No question about that. Fortunately, I've avoided anything super scary, and I say that as someone who used to work until about midnight every day during my summer job while in college.
I've experienced some strange stuff in the woods and in other night settings, but nothing tied directly to work. I can confidently say that not once during my time at OutKick have I ever seen anything wild or paranormal. Let's knock on wood and hope it stays that way.

Creepy work stories are going viral on Reddit. (Credit: Getty Images)
Do you have any super creepy or paranormal experiences? Let me know at