Comedian Bobby Lee Shares Unbelievably Stupid Financial Strategy

Comedian Bobby Lee doesn't care to know anything about his finances.

While the average person (I hope) makes a solid effort to stay on top of how much money they're spending, saving and investing, Lee is doing the exact opposite.

He explained on the "Iced Coffee Hour" podcast that not only does he have no idea how much money he has, he doesn't care to even find out.

The star comedian is blindly trusting his money guy. That's a strategy that has worked well for so many!

Bobby Lee explains wild financial strategy.

"I have a money guy, but when I first signed with him 15 years ago, I said, 'I don't want to know how much money I have.' I don't want to live in a world where I'm always looking at my bank account worried. Yeah, I don't know," Lee explained.

The popular comedian claimed he has no idea what his mortgage costs, how much he pays for his car or what utilities run him every month.

However, he doesn't seem worried because his money guy promised him he could go a long time without working again.

This seems like a disaster waiting to happen.

Has anyone seen the "30 for 30" documentary "Broke"? The story Lee shared is very similar to several people featured in the ESPN film.

They all thought the money would never run dry and they trusted someone else with oversight. It rarely ended well.

It's one thing to have a money person managing your wealth and investments. That's not uncommon at all. It's completely different to trust that person and have no knowledge of what's going on.

I check my finances across the board literally every single morning, and I watch my money like a hawk watches something it's waiting to kill.

A few dollars moved without an explanation? I'll sniff that out like a dog on a bird's path. Usually, I just forgot about a simple purchase, but you get my point. It's hard to get scammed if you know what's happening at all times. The same isn't true if trust just gets handed over to a single person.

That has disaster written all over it.

Bobby Lee might have made some good money over the years, but I definitely don't encourage following his model. It just doesn't seem likely to have a happy ending.

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.