Highly-Classified Military Secrets Leak For Insanely Stupid Reason
Gamers, once again, have proven to be morons.
What's something people with access to classified information should never do? Did you say post it online?
Congrats. That's the correct answer, and it's also advice one idiot ignored.
Classified military secrets shared to settle video game dispute.
The UK Defence Journal reported that "classified documents related to the Eurofighter Typhoon’s radar systems" were leaked on the popular video game War Thunder to settle a dispute about the CAPTOR radar.
Yes, someone hopped on a video game and posted incredibly sensitive classified information related to radar in order to settle an argument.
Seems like a great way to end up in prison.

Classified information relating to the Eurofighter Typhoon’s radar systems was leaked on War Thunder. (Photo credit: DIETER NAGL/AFP via Getty Images)
A moderator on the game's forum posted the following message after the information was leaked and removed, according to the same report:
"I will take this opportunity to again remind everyone here, please do not, under any circumstances, try to post, share any sources unless you are 100% certain they are legally declassified and publicly safe for use. We will never handle or use them, and all it does is actively harm any possible future changes being possible by trying to use them. Do not do it. No good will ever come from it for you or the vehicle you are trying to post for."
This isn't the first time classified information has leaked on War Thunder. In fact, it's not even close to the first time.
The UK Defence Journal reported previous leaks "have involved technical details of the Challenger 2 tank, Leclerc main battle tank, and Chinese ammunition systems."
Don't share classified information online, folks. Believe it or not, it's not hard to spill sensitive secrets, especially over something as stupid as a video game. Let me know your thoughts on the situation at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.