Cindy Crawford Enjoys A Fire & Sunset, NBC Drops Bombshell -- If You're Hit By A Truck, You Might Die, Plus The $1 Kamala Bulb
I've tried to warn the world that the libs won't stop and now it appears they've played their hand
It was just a matter of time.
• David P. in New Braunfels knew I wouldn't be happy about this:
Joe, we must unite and fight these fools.

I'll say it again: Those who introduce such bills should have to provide documentation on how their properties are maintained and whether they're doing enough to save the bees, not rake their leaves, to save slugs, whether they have gas grills, gas stoves, etc.
I have a hunch Washington state Rep. Amy Walen of Kirkland, who filed the bill, is a fraud, but I don't have enough time to do the research this morning. Give me a minute.
Does your wife and/or girlfriend LOVE watching sports?
Jess asked, so I asked the Screencaps Facebook group. Disclosure: Mrs. Screencaps would rather murder (VIRTUAL MURDER: Disclaimer* ... she's one of the kindest souls you'll ever meet.) multiple video game characters over watching sports.
If you're not already on the Facebook page, head over there and join in. There's typically action throughout the day.

• Jeff B. in Colorado chimes in:
When it comes to your wife or girlfriend loving to watch sports...
Years ago, I was living in Scottsdale, and I asked a nurse I worked with if she'd care to go out on a date. Trying to impress, I looked for something classy, sophisticated, a way to show her I'm a man of class, and found art gallery exhibit that was opening on Monday evening. This was a charity event, raising money for some feel-good charity or another, maybe children's cancer or something. I don't recall.
"Did you have any plans for Monday? If you're free, I was thinking of going to this art exhibit, would enjoy your company if you're interested."
"This coming Monday?"
"Yes, ma'am, this Monday. Four days from now."
"I have a better idea," she replied. "The Redskins are playing the Eagles. Meet me at 6p (at some sports bar, I don't remember the name) and we'll get wings, have a beer, and watch football instead of some stuffy art exhibit."
"Okay. That works, too, I guess."
Then she proceeded to call every penalty as it happened in real time ("Offsides, number 83..." "Holding, offense, 74... "The ref missed the face mask on 78") while eating wings and drinking PBR.
I really should have married her.
• Anonymous writes:
When Brady and Gronk were together, I couldn't pull my wife away from the TV on Sundays. We lived in New England for decades and we were hooked. Then we moved to Tennessee (thank God) and we couldn't get the Pats or Bucs games on the networks. I'm too cheap to pay $100 per month to get all the NFL games. So we watched unreliable feeds. If those feeds dropped, it wasn't a happy place.
My wife knows so much about sports that she schools the coaches at the high school where she works.
• Sean K. admits his wife loves sports more than he does:
Good morning Joe; In response to Jess in Alabama, one of the big reasons I proposed to my wife (we've been married now nearly 30 years) is that she loves watching sports on TV more than I do. Weekends start with premiere league soccer and then we switch over to NFL games on Sunday or college football on Saturday (though she's a much bigger NFL fan). Not a huge baseball fan but she loves the NCAA March Madness tourney; men's and women's. No need for two TVs or a TV wall in my house! (Counting my lucky stars as I write this, too!)
Favorite story: Back in the day when our kids were little and we were squeezing every penny, we said no to cable and used the old 'rabbit ears' to watch NFL games on TV. Well, there we were in our old basement; she's marshalling two young babies while I try to adjust the antenna to reduce the TV 'snow' for the Redskins vs. Giants game. That's when she suddenly yells out: 'That's it! I can't tell if they are in a 5-4 or 4-5 defensive set; I can't tell where the safety is either. Get cable this week!' And BOOM! We got cable TV that week!
Keep doing what you are doing; Screencaps just keeps on getting better and better.
Will you pay for the Peacock app for NFL playoff games?
• John W. says:
The NFL games only on Peacock hit me on some ad over Thanksgiving. They include the playoff game late Saturday January 13 afternoon NFC Wildcard game AND Sat December 23rd Bills vs Chargers. I assume that like Amazon and ESPN games the local markets for the teams will be broadcast on NBC as I think there is an over the air requirement in the broadcast rights.
There was a Black Friday Peacock ‘sale’ -like )2 a month for a year-do I signed up for that and already set my reminder to cancel next November. I am guessing as they run up to the December Bills-Chargers game that may offer a deal again to drum up ratings as Saturday night NFL ratings with Xmas parties may look awful without a sale price.
• Resident economist Jared P. in Ohio writes:
NFL fans should think about the NFL game on Peacock as a pay-per-view event. The question is whether they think the game is worth the price of $5.99 or not.
Don't think about paying for the month; that's free at the margin as economists say.
NBC is hoping people treat streaming services like gym memberships, where they sign up and let it go on autopay.
Jared P. nailed it. That's the game. Now I need to figure out a subscription business.
• Mark P. in Indiana says:
Joe; I am trying to decide about Peacock for college basketball. IU has 6 games on Peacock this year including the IU-Purdue game. I know it costs very little to sign up but it is just another app to manage and i am not sure i will watch anything else on it.
I still have interest in watching IU but passion is waining a little. With all the transfers in and out it is a challenge to stay interested in players but still interested in the team.
I have attached a sunset picture from Bodega Bay in California. What do you think about Shotani and the $680M deferral? I am not sure what that means for competitive balance in MLB but it seems to be headed in the wrong direction after that contract manipulation. Keep up the good work

• Lee D. in Florida says:
Maybe as far back as last year, certainly earlier this year, there were rumblings of NFL putting a playoff game exclusively on Peacock. Made up mind then that was the proverbial line in the sand. ESPN+, NFL+, NFL Sunday Ticket, Netflix, Amazon, Paramount/247 (yes, that's a bundle), Wall Street Journal, On3 = No more! There just isn't enough on Peacock for this guy to bust out another subscription. Certainly not for one game! If the game is any good, will watch it later in the day on NFL+.
Trying to figure out a way to watch "Masters of the Air" when it debuts next month without paying for AppleTV. That's another one this guy won't pay for. No more.
• Hans in Arizona says he already enjoys Peacock:
I absolutely bought the Peacock app just for their exclusive playoff game. I got it on a Black Friday deal so it was only $20 bucks for a year. It's actually got a lot of good stuff to watch. I've been watching old Saturday Night Live episodes from my youth in the early 90s. Great stuff! Keep doing what you do.
• Kirk B. is not happy about this:

Hallmark Christmas movies and the art of telling the guy at McDonald's to have a great day
• James Mac checks in on a variety of topics:
I am embarrassed. We are more than halfway through the Hallmark/GAC movie channel season and I feel like I have let you down. So how is our guy Mr. Checking it Twice doing now that the heavy-hitter Christmas movies are coming out? I would say just fine. I only have one movie that I think definitely beats it but everything else not so much.
So what is the movie that I rank above our guy?
I am going with The Santa Summit.
Other than that, he is just fine. If your spouse forces you to watch one Hallmark/GAC movie this holiday season these two would be my choice. Just remember they are coming out with more so I will try and keep you posted. I am not going to review these movies so you can come in fresh.
GAC (Great American Family Channel)
If you are Full House fan, then this is the channel for you. Candace Cameron Bure stars in My Christmas Hero.
Her daughter is getting a role in A Christmas for the Ages. Natasha Bure
Lori Loughlin (Aunt Becky from Full House) gets a starring role in The Santa Summit. I am going to review this one. To the love interest for Lori all I can say is DPAB. We've got a hardened criminal in Lori. She was married to John Stamos on Full House You don't need to be Jason Statham and blow up Candy Cane Lane but geez when Lori has to go in for the kiss at the end you ain't good enough for her. Was this a good movie. NOOOO!!!! Is it worth watching? Come on it's Lori Loughlin. She did jail time. You almost have to watch for this reason alone. Plus at 59 years of age Lori is still looking pretty good. Plus you can debate how much plastic work she has done over the years.
Gibler (Andrea Barber) gets in on the act as well with Christmas on Candy Cane Lane. After watching this, maybe Jason Statham should blow up Candy Cane Lane.
Jody Sweetin: She stayed with Hallmark Channel because she supports the I don't see her in any roles this year but honestly I saw her in one last year and I am not going to put much effort into looking her up cause she was not good.
Danica McKellar: (The Wonder Years) GAC A Royal Date for Christmas. I love Danica McKellar. I feel a little creepy saying this, seeing as she is Winnie Cooper but still love her. Hated this movie.
SO what should you watch? Checking it Twice, The Santa Summit and maybe Never been Chris'd on Hallmark. On GAC, nothing much to write home about yet. When I see one that I like I will let you know
Merry Christmas to you all. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season.
Do I watch as much as I used to? NO. Why? Cause a lot of the games that I get locally just stink and I am not going to waste my time on bad football.
I never understood why when the possessing team fumbles the ball out of bounds they get to keep possession of the football. I just made a horrible mistake by fumbling and it goes out of bounds. Here's your reward. You get to keep the ball.
Late Thanksgiving Greeting
My wife and I were travelling home from a trip and we stopped off at a McDonalds to have lunch. We started ordering on the screen when the guy behind the counter asked if he could take our order. I said no but thanks anyway.
We watched this guy go about cleaning tables, cleaning up the play place etc and also being friendly to the guests. I was standing near the front waiting to leave and I said to him Hey have a great day. He says you too. I then said Thanks for all of your hard work. He barely stopped and said thanks.
Then he turned to me and said, "Thanks for saying that to me. It means a lot."
I was kind of stunned that my words meant that much to him. Anyway, I want to thank you and your readers for opening my eyes to hard work and really appreciating all the people around me that do thankless jobs and not taking them for granted.
So to all of you a belated Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.
• Speaking of Hallmark, David P. in New Braunfels spotted this Hallmark analysis and knew it was perfect for Screencaps:
Also really appreciate Zach W reminding me how much my Frogs sucked this season.
First-time emailer Vern IS BACK and I just knew he had a story to share
• Vern writes:
I fish the Satsop River in SW Washington for COHO salmon like this.
Thanks for posting sunrise pic. I'm amazed you could do so fast with all the emails you must get. You put a smile on this 85-year-old retired AF man's face. Enjoy your column.

Full disclosure: I Googled Vern after he mentioned the Air Force and I'm just going to say that Vern had one helluva military career and I'm beyond honored to know that he enjoys this column.
I'm very pleased I didn't listen to Todd Z. and end the sunrise/sunset photo series. I might've never heard from Vern.
Speaking of sunrises and probably has stories to share
• Matt M. writes:
Nothing better than watching a gorgeous North Dakota sunrise hunting ducks with your kids.

Matt's another first-time emailer and hunting in North Dakota which makes me wonder if he's a part of the Crosby, ND Screencaps group.
Beautiful photo.
I know Todd Z. will be triggered, but once again, I'm allowing these sunrises and sunsets from first-time emailers because I have a feeling there are stories and life experiences that are about to be told.
Thank you, Matt.
By the way, this column has seen EXPLOSIVE growth in the Pacific Northwest and North Dakota. You guys must be passing it along in text groups.
Middle America and the Jews
• Chris from Cross Lanes, West Virginia writes:
Joe, linking to a story about a WVU freshman basketball player from Israel. On a micro level this makes me proud as someone who grew up in West Virginia, has two degrees from WVU, and has two children who also graduated from WVU.
But on a larger more macro level I think this says a lot about “flyover country.”
I bet if you asked 100 blue state people about West Virginia I’m sure you would get tired responses about toothless, bigoted hillbillies but here, an Israeli youth, can go about his business, play sports and get an education without any type of hassle.

Thank you to the first-time emailers. It's rocket fuel for my career. Keep passing the word. Tell your friends this is where they need to commit 5-10 minutes of their day. Let's keep this train rolling.
The sun is out once again in Ohio -- we typically see 29% over 31 days in December -- and it's time to get to work. Let's get moving.