Chrissy Teigen Steals Photobooth, Stephanie Matto Shares Celebrity Nanny Gossip & Tacos Are Legally Sandwiches
Folks, it has begun! I've officially started training for the Bourbon Chase Ragnar.
In case you're not aware, our fearless leader, Joe Kinsey, is sponsoring a team for this 200-mile relay race in October, and I am the official OutKick staff representative runner. The rest of the team is filled with badass Screencaps readers from all over the country.
We are now 20 weeks out from the race, and I'll be following this training plan that I found on the Internet. For the record, I'm far from a beginner, but I'm more of a lifter than I am a runner. So this will be a fun challenge.
For those interested in following along with our training, I have vowed to actually start posting content on my lowly TikTok account (shameless plug, I know). Fair warning: There might also be clips of me griping about various things, cute dog videos and hiking content. A LOT of hiking content.
Speaking of hiking, Will E. sent over a pro tip for how not to be eaten by a bear during my Yellowstone trip next year: Just make sure you run faster than the people you vacation with.
And on that note, let's have a drink. It's Nightcaps time!
Chrissy Teigen & John Legend Kick Group Out Of Photo Booth
A group of party-goers at Sports Illustrated Swimsuit's 60th Anniversary claim Chrissy Teigen and John Legend rudely kicked them out of a photo booth. And — on account of the fact that Chrissy Teigen is awful — I believe them.
Video posted to social media shows three young women striking poses in the booth when Chrissy and John barge in. It takes a bit for the girls to gather everything up, and the celebrity couple awkwardly stands behind them, impatiently waiting. As the girls try to send their own shots to themselves, Chrissy and John look annoyed.
Well excuuuuuuuse us, your royal highnesses!
To be fair, we're not sure how long the ladies were in the booth before Chrissy and John helped themselves. Maybe they were holding up the line and hogging the booth. Who knows?
But what stood out to me was how absolutely bizzare Chrissy was acting here. She just looks like something's …off. And before the camera starts flashing, she appears to have nothing but utter disdain for her husband — cringing as he gets close and forcefully pushing him away when he tries to give her a kiss.
Maybe she's as miserable as her social media rants make her seem.
Orrrr maybe she didn't like hubs posing for a photo with one of those girls:
You're in trouble, Johnny.
But while we're on the topic of people who love social media attention…
Meet Stephanie Matto
Stephanie Matto is a YouTuber who gained national fame (and we're using that word loosely here) when she appeared on TLC's 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days.
Stephanie hopped on TikTok over the weekend to spread some gossip about a famous athlete who hired (and subsequently fired her) as a nanny for his daughter. She said this all happened sometime in her 20s (she's 33 now) when she was attending acting school in New York City.
Matto says she doesn’t keep up with sports, so she had no idea who her new employer was at first — "But when I told my stepdad who I was working for, his jaw dropped."
Anyway, it's a tale as old as time: The dad started hitting on the nanny.
"I told him that I was in acting school and he said, ‘Oh, I should have figured. You're so beautiful,’" Stephanie said. "I took the compliment, but now looking back on it, I see that this was a red flag."
Another time, Matto claims her famous boss "[pressed] his body against me" to reach a kitchen drawer she was blocking while preparing food for his daughter. Once again, Matto brushed it off as an insignificant encounter.
But one day, she got a new Instagram follower with a team logo as its profile picture. Steph claims she's so ignorant about sports that she didn't immediately recognize the logo. Which is not even remotely believable, but OK.
"This account that's following me starts to slide in my DMs and is saying things like, ‘You're so very beautiful.’ ‘I wish I could get a chance to get to know you,’" Matto explained
Then one day, the father came home wearing the same logo from the Instagram profile. Lightbulb moment!
So she responded to the DM: "If it is who I think it is, they need to stop." And two days later, she was fired via text message.
Because of an NDA she signed, Stephanie never revealed who the athlete was. But we know he's very famous, has a daughter and wanted the nanny to be bilingual. Folks in the comments were all guessing Alex Rodriguez, but I'm not so sure. After all, Stephanie only mentions one daughter — A-Rod has two. Plus, Stephanie's first language is Czech, not Spanish.
So Nightcaps readers… Put on your detective hats! Do we have any guesses?!
Now, it's also entirely possible this entire story is made up just to drum up some publicity and boost the former reality star's adult content subscriptions.
If you've been reading Tuesday Nightcaps for a while, you know I'm somewhat of a 90 Day Fiancé aficionado, and I remember Stephanie's season well. She went to Australia to meet her online girlfriend Erika. It was the first time the franchise featured a same-sex couple. And it was painfully obvious that Matto was just in it for the fame.
It worked. She parlayed her reality fame into a successful business selling jars of farts. Yes, she farted into jars and losers on the Internet paid her money for them.
Sadly, she had to retire from that dignified and lucrative career after she ended up in the hospital in 2022.
"I thought I was having a stroke and that these were my final moments. I was overdoing it," she told The New York Post. "It was made clear that what I was experiencing wasn't a stroke or heart attack but very intense gas pains. I was advised to change my diet and to take a gas suppressant medication, which has effectively ended my business."
It's rough out there for an entrepreneur!
Joe Has A Trash TV Recommendation
Glad someone else is watching 'MILF Manor.' I consume a lot of trash TV, and this one is up there with the best.
My wife and sons ridicule the show, but end up watching it with me... strangely addicting and entertaining.
Try out ‘Grand Cayman: Secrets in Paradise’ on Hulu. Utter trash but so rewarding!
No one is too cool for trash TV. My husband shamelessly watches 90 Day Fiancé (and its various spin-offs) with me every week. We talk about the people on the show like we know them, and we constantly crack ourselves up quoting them.
I gave Grand Cayman: Secrets in Paradise a quick search on the ol' IMDb, and it certainly has potential. It's rated a whopping 4.4 out of 10 and promises to be "sexy and full of secrets!"
Here's a preview:
Fan Brings Dead Relative To Zach Bryan Concert
If your loved one is a big Zach Bryan fan but dies before the concert, what do you do? You bring them anyway, obviously!
No, seriously. Someone actually did this.
A viral video from Bryan's show in Oklahoma City over the weekend shows two pit attendees looking shocked as they hold an uncapped urn. That's when you come to the horrifying realization that someone's ashes are likely all over these unfortunate people's shoes.
The video, posted to TikTok, is captioned: "POV: Someone dropped their dad on the floor of a Zach Bryan concert during 'Revival.'"
BIG YIKES. It's hard enough to get contraband alcohol through security at a concert (not that I would EVER do something like that)… How do you sneak in a whole URN FULL OF HUMAN REMAINS?
Speaking of, though, there's an old lady on TikTok who purchased her own urn, and she's awesome. Her final resting place is made of silver and decorated with pictures of the beach and palm trees.
"I wanted to make sure that I spend eternity in something that I like," she explained. "So I bought my own urn. And I'm proud of it."
She "yearns for the urn!"
We should all be this comfortable with our own mortality, honestly.
Tacos Are Legally Sandwiches Now
There has been a long-running debate about what exactly constitutes a sandwich.
According to Merriam-Webster, a sandwich is "two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between."
By that definition, a hot dog is a sandwich. Oreos, though, are not a sandwich (cookie).
But a judge in my native homeland of Indiana has really turned this debate on its head. Because according to Superior Judge Craig J. Bobay, a taco is a sandwich!

Look at all these sandwiches!
(Getty Images)
It all started with a dispute that centered around The Famous Taco, a Mexican restaurant that found itself faced with pushback from a local planning commission after attempting to open up shop in a strip mall in Fort Wayne. Zoning laws were written to prevent a "fast food restaurant" from opening in the area.
So restaurant developer Martin Quintana decided to take the planning commission to court — arguing his Mexican restaurant serving tacos and burritos fell under the umbrella of language that permitted the operation of "a sandwich bar-style restaurant whose primary business is to sell ‘made-to-order’ or ‘subway-style’ sandwiches."
And so Judge Bobay was faced with a decision that would have massive implications for a decades-long debate: Does a taco count as a sandwich?
He ruled in favor of the taco shop: "The Court agrees with Quintana that tacos and burritos are Mexican style sandwiches, and the original Written Commitment does not restrict potential restaurants to only American cuisine-style sandwiches."
Real happy for this restaurant and all …but this judge is out of his mind. Not by any stretch of the imagination can a taco or a burrito be considered a sandwich. And I, for one, will not stand for this absolute butchering of the English language.
Or maybe that's just my humble opinion. Let's see what you guys think.
Dude Is Triggered By American Flags At The Beach
Let's finish off Nightcaps by laughing at this loser.
You know, every time I visit the Free State of Florida (which is quite often because both my parents and my in-laws live there), the beach is flooded with American flags and even Trump flags, too. It's a pretty common sight.
But some dude (who may or may not be in Florida, it's unclear) is going viral for having a meltdown over a little patriotism interrupting his vacation.
"I got these flags flying here on the beach by these MAGA f-cks," he says. "Listen, this is all America. We know. You didn't storm the beaches to stake out your territory on the beach. This isn't the f-cking moon.
"I get it. This is America. But I'm sick of my flag being represented by white nationalist trash on a god-damned beach. Go f-ck yourselves."
I beg your finest pardon, sir. Didn't realize it was YOUR flag and YOU got to dictate where it was flown.
But hey, Memorial Day weekend is coming up. What do you say we all grab our Stars and Stripes, hit the beach, blast some Toby Keith (RIP) and really piss this guy off, huh?
I'll drink to that.
OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m.
Follow me on X / Twitter at @TheAmberHarding or email me at