Chipotle Adding Thousands Of Workers Because It's Almost Burrito Season, And Who Knew Burritos Were Seasonal

I know some of you haven't even put your Christmas decorations away yet, but you'd better get a move on because Burrito Season is right around the corner.

That's right, I didn't know that was a thing until today, but apparently, it's enough for burrito giant Chipotle to start calling in reinforcement.

According to Forbes, Chipotle has 19,000 jobs it's looking to fill but is having trouble finding the right people to man the frontlines of their operation.

I can believe it. It takes a rare breed to mess up someone's order while they're standing there giving you step-by-step directions...

That, and we've seen the occupational hazards that come with donning a black Chipotle-issued t-shirt and ballcap.

However, this is a problem because the aforementioned Burrito Season is upon us. According to the company, the season runs from March through May but can start a little early if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow (alright, I made up that last part).

This surprised me. There are plenty of seasonal foods, but burritos never struck me as one of them. Heck, forget a specific time of year, burritos are right at home at any point in the day.

Breakfast? Burrito.

Lunch? Burrito.

Dinner? Burrito.

Late night after the bars? Probably two burritos.

So then what is it about March through May that gets people in a 'rito mood?

According to Chipotle, they see their highest volume of sales at that time because of seasonal factors like weather.

Ah, yes. Who hasn't popped their head out the window on a clear late March day and proclaimed, "Now, this is burrito weather."

Exactly. No one.

Still, I plan on celebrating the season, perhaps around Cinco de Mayo, perhaps before. Because I don't care what Chipotle says: in this hombre's opinion, it's always Burrito Season.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.