Charles Barkley Rips Losers Who Were Excited For The Eclipse

Charles Barkley thinks getting pumped for the eclipse was clown behavior.

People across America were excited to see the eclipse Monday, and some individuals even traveled to different parts of the country hoping to experience more of a blackout by the moon getting between the Earth and the sun.

Excited Americans had their glasses and cameras ready to roll……for something that only lasted a brief period of time.

Well, Barkley thinks you're a loser if you're among those who got really excited.

Charles Barkley rips people pumped about the eclipse.

During halftime of the national title game, the former NBA star turned broadcaster unleashed his thoughts on the eclipse with a very clear message:

Only "losers" went outside to watch the eclipse.

His co-hosts seemed to disagree, but Barkley didn't back down. He thinks it's foolish and unnecessary behavior. Dive in with the video below, and hit me with your thoughts at

Buckle up because I might say something that shocks a lot of you. I agree almost entirely with Charles Barkley. I'm not sure you're a loser if you were excited, but let's get real, it's not that impressive.

So it's dark for a few minutes during the day. Big deal. Are you not used to the dark? Not only that, the eclipse Monday was nothing compared to the 2017 one.

I lived through both, and I hardly even knew anything was happening yesterday. Now, if it's your first eclipse, I understand the excitement. However, it's just not that interesting after that. Once you get one under your belt, the rest are pretty pointless.

Do I judge anyone going outside to get a look? No. Do I judge people who flew to different parts of the country? Hell yes. That's insane behavior. Imagine dropping thousands of dollars to experience a little darkness outside. Unhinged behavior.

Think I'm wrong? Did you experience a fun time? Let's debate at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.