Superstar Actress Claims She's 'Middle Class' In Wildly Tone-Deaf Comments
Hollywood star Cate Blanchett seems to think she's a working stiff like the rest of us.
Blanchett has been famous for decades, and the 55-year-old Australian-born actress has been in some monster hits over the years. Her credits include "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, "Thor: Ragnarok," "The Aviator" and more.
She's been wildly successful in the entertainment industry by any and all metrics. Yet, she seems to think she's middle class.
Cate Blanchett boldly declares middle class.
"I’m white, I’m privileged, I’m middle class and I think one can be accused of having a bit of a white savior complex," Blanchett said at Cannes when discussing her experience with refugee filmmakers, according to The New York Post.
Yes, Cate Blanchett - one of the most famous women on the planet - is middle class. Respect. She's down in the trenches with the rest of us just hoping to get by.
You can watch her comments in the video below, and hit me with your thoughts at
Just so we're all on the same page, the median average net worth of people in the middle class is around $145,000, according to The Motley Fool.
The income range for the middle class is between $55,001 and $89,744. Those numbers give us a nice picture to work with. Blanchett's net worth is close to $100 million, according to online net worth websites. Now, I understand those websites can be wildly inaccurate, but here's what I know for sure.
There's no way in hell a woman who has pumped out Hollywood hits for decades has a net worth of only $145,000. The only way that's true is if things went horribly wrong for her financially. Yet, she's out here cosplaying as a normal person working a 9-5.
As someone who actually grew up in a poor, rural and working-class Wisconsin community, I'm not impressed with her appropriating my culture!
This comment from Blanchett is so tone-deaf that it's almost like a moment from Tim Dillon's podcast where he mocks Hollywood elites for being idiots and out of touch. She's working-class? Sure, and if you believe that, then you'll believe I'll be coaching the Wisconsin Badgers in September against Alabama.
We're out here grinding in the content trenches and coal mines day after day, and then Blanchett swoops in and claims to be like us regular folk. Not on my watch, Cate. Not on my watch.
I wear my blue-collar working-class identity on my sleeve, and I'll be damned if the woman from "Lord of the Rings" thinks she can blend in after some smooth talking words. Her elitist rich friends aren't welcome among those of us who stick to ice cold cheap domestic beers, wear blue jeans and flannel and love college football.
Nice try, but nobody is buying it. Let me know if you agree at