Carmen Electra Respects Summer From Her Swimming Pool, Bristol With A Baseball Field & Tyrus Vs. Jesse
Shame on the Little League World Series for allowing travel kids to play in the tournament
Have a friggin' backbone, Little League International.
As an adult who watched his beloved Hardscrabble Little League be destroyed (before its death, Hardscrabble was the oldest Little League in Ohio) by the travel ball industrial complex, it makes me sick to see Little League get into bed with the travel ball scumbags who refuse to allow their kids to play with the boys who can't catch a baseball.
I hear it over and over from the travel ball scumbags: My kid isn't playing with the nosepickers. We're too elite.
Fine, don't play.
But, it turns out, the travel ball dirtbag parents want it both ways. They want their 32-team shootouts at Cooperstown, and then they want Latham to play on ESPN with a Little League patch on his shoulder.
What did Little League do?
It bent a knee to the Stanley-succin', Hampton Inn lobby bitching and moaning mama bears and their little Lathams because Little League needs to stay afloat and ESPN gives them a bunch of money to put on a product to sell Frosted Flakes to little kids throughout August as those kids are going back to school and begging their parents for Frosted Flakes.
The disgusting mama bears get what they want. Little League loser officials get what they want. ESPN gets what they want. Frosted Flakes' marketing team gets what it wants.
Just remember the bucolic nature of what you're watching this month on ESPN/ABC isn't the reality on the ground. It's not the Little League you grew up with.
- Travel Ball Hardo Chris B. in Houston loved this topic:
I don't think there is any Little League rule against also playing select ball. I think their only rule is that you have to live within your Little League's boundaries.
I think many of the LLWS players also play on select teams... when their schedules permit. That would mean that they play on select teams in the Fall &/or Winter, when Little League is not being played. I don't have any idea how rigorous the Little League schedule is, but if there are significant gaps between events during the Little League season the players can presumably get picked up by select teams for tourneys that occur when they don't have Little League games.
Also, I think the Little League coach could essentially enter his whole Little League team into select tournaments to get more reps in-between Little League events. It doesn't have to be one or the other... if you want to play alot.
Love the Minnesota crew choosing San Leon, TX! A great spot on Galveston bay.
- Duncan in Georgia writes in about Kirby Smart's son popping up on ESPN playing Little League baseball AFTER a travel ball season:
Kirby son played travel ball for the East Cobb Astros 11U Orange. His team was in our bracket one weekend but we didn't play them. I was shocked that he was on a Little League team, guess he was a hired gun.
If this link works, scroll to the bottom to see the roster. If not, I can send screen shots
Screencaps readers enjoy the Pro Football Hall of Fame
- Jeff writes:
Took a boys trip this past weekend. First to Cincy to see the Cubs POUND the Reds and then on to tOSU & lunch at the best German restaurant in the USofA! Finally, we got to Canton for the Hall of Fame weekend.
Going for the game and the ceremony were great, but the HoF itself is well worth the trip! Those KC SB Rings are HUGE!!
Seeing a Bears victory was the icing on the cake, even if it was the most inconsequential of pre-season games. Football is back! Go Bears!
Also, you thought the new kickoff formation looked weird on TV, wait until you see it in person!

I'm due for a trip out to the HOF. I'm not going to reveal names, but l can report that Screencaps is read by some inside the HOF and I've been asked to come out for a visit, so that's on the agenda.
The last time I was at the HOF was 2018 when I asked Ray Lewis the question wondering if he'd use T.O.'s allotted HOF speech time since T.O. refused to show up. The Big Js got mad at me, but the question made headlines, so screw them. Losers.

(That's me making sure I had an easy exit if Ray tried to kill me. / Kinsey Collection)
Goodbye Aerosmith
- Chris A. shares:
It looks like the end for Aerosmith, with Steve Tyler's fractured larynx (let THAT sink in) not healing as it should, but ol' Steve is 76, and Father Time is undefeated.
Aerosmith was the first hard rock band that I really loved. I didn't get onboard until 1976, but then I was hooked. I saw them multiple times in concert, including the infamous Cap Centre gig where he dragged a girl around the stage like a mop: Aerosmith - Live in Largo, MD (January 25, 1980) (REMASTERED AUDIO) (
This was when they were split up and Jimmy Crespo was in the band replacing Joe Perry. After that show, I thought I had seen the last of Aerosmith. Everyone was high all the time, their albums got worse, and at some point Steven was broke and trying to score crack on the streets in some random town at 3am. And then Steven and Joe got back together, got straight (mostly), made some kick-ass new music, and got rediscovered by a whole new generation of fans. It has been a second act for the ages, and I'm not sure we will see the likes of them again.
They were the greatest American rock and roll band.
Congrats on the success of the 2-club. I'd love to get out there with you guys, but my game is embarrassing at all the wrong times. I'd rather that people think I'm terrible at the game than go out and play and remove all doubt.
I had to look this one up. The only time I saw Aerosmith was at Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY on February 26, 1994. I'm still surprised my buddies and I didn't catch heat from our parents for road tripping at that point in our high school careers. I was barely 17. You can do the math.
I don't remember a ton about the concert, but I remember the power steering in the car I was driving blowing out on I-75N on the way home in the middle of the night somewhere between Lexington & Covington, KY where my brother was living.
Easing that car into northern Kentucky is stuck in my mind. According to the archive, Aerosmith closed that show with "Walk This Way."
My ass thought it was about to walk home when that steering went out.
I stand by my exemption of Costco from #RespectSummer because they disrespect it so early that you almost have to respect it
- Jonathan R. says no way, this is disrespect:
No comment...just the pic taken today at a Costco in Denver

Indian Rocks
- Lee D. in Tampa sent over this one. It appears Florida is getting back to normal:
Now I turn my attention to the Screencaps' Ragnar Relay team and its big competition in October
- Indy Daryl provides an update:
I hope you are well on this glorious Saturday evening! As captain of Kinsey’s Folly, I have made sure to keep up my training for the October Bourbon Chase Ragnar. Making sure to lead by example, I embarked on a Coros (watch company) led 12 week speed training program and today I just set a personal best in the 5K!!
It’s not blazing but I was immensely satisfied with a time of 22:29 (7:24min/mile)!!!! Will adjust to an endurance program for the fall, making sure to include all necessary Ragnar prep.
I need to find out if Daryl has had to kick anyone off the team for lack of work ethic.
That's it for this Wednesday in August as we inch ever closer to real college football action. I see it's only going to hit 74-degrees here this Saturday which will trigger the pumpkin spice latte crowd and people who love football Saturdays.
Remember, #RespectSummer. Don't wish away these patio days.
Go have a great day.