Blue Checkmarks Now Arguing Kids Are Safer At Drag Shows Than At School
We've reached the point in the summer when blue checkmark Aaron Nagler, who has spent his Internet career acting like the biggest brain in the room, spent part of a Sunday in mid-June arguing that it's safer for kids at drag shows than attending school.
Nagler, who runs a Green Bay Packers fan site, spent a night of his life engaged in a flame war he purposely created after he sent out the following tweets:
"I simply do not understand the current hysteria over parents taking their children to drag shows. They are obviously so much safer there than they are at school," Nagler wrote.
He followed that up with:
"The (somewhat predictable) responses to this Tweet that one hundred percent brush past the fact that our children’s schools are depressingly unsafe are only surpassed by their mind numbing stupidity."
Like I said, Aaron's the biggest brain in the room. Biggest thinker. Deepest thinker. Deadspin material.
Those of you reading this right now have your opinions on this matter. The lib libs would rather have kids at drag shows instead of at schools while guns are on the streets. It's purposely an absurd theory from people who would still have your kids masked up at school if they would've had their way.
Now here we are 12 1/2 days into an entire PRIDE month and we all have to agree that kids are safer at drag shows than schools or we're just morons who don't have the intellectual capabilities as Aaron and his fellow woke warriors.
Here's what I believe: You shouldn't be engaging in this nonsense on a Sunday night IN JUNE. My God, people, go for a walk, sit and listen to birds chirp, paint, clean out your car, shoot hoops, drink beer with a neighbor, plant flowers, ride a bike, engage with civilization vs. scrolling through a social media app.
The last person you should engage with is Nagler who is looking for an argument over guns, gay pride and all the other typical talking points. He's been doing it for years. The difference now is that his playbook has changed to include drag shows being safer than schools. That's the movement's new talking point.
Don't say I didn't warn you. Just don't waste Sunday night on this nonsense.