Bill Maher Rips America For Being Obsessed With Mental Health

Bill Maher went on a lengthy rant about Americans’ disapproval of Joe Biden and the rise in mental health cases on Friday’s episode of "Real Time with Bill Maher."

The show host started off a new segment of his show called "New Rules" by saying that Americans in general like to complain about things. He highlighted that Americans are complaining quite a lot about life within the country.

To refute this perspective, Maher said that overall, Americans still possess a fantastic quality of life (the link for the segment is here).

"Things are generally pretty good. Now, of course there are problems. America is a big place, but wages are rising, unemployment is negligible, the stock market is soaring." Maher said. "We somehow brushed off both the Trump presidency and the pandemic. Yes, inflation persists for a lot of things but you know, an actual good nice sized TV now cost 60 bucks. Who gets credit for that?"

Maher’s economic analysis is a bit misleading, since even The Washington Post acknowledged that Biden’s economy is only trending up in large part because its success is relative to the COVID economy. Sure, cheap TVs are nice, but most people would rather have lower inflation and taxes.

Nevertheless, he continued, and said that Biden’s ratings are low because Americans aren’t focusing on the good he’s done.

"Stop acting like life in America in 2024 is unbearable," Maher said. "Biden’s ratings are in the toilet not because he’s doing such a bad job and because a lot of Americans like to live with their head in the toilet."

That’s funny, because lots of people unjustifiably complained about Trump when he was in office despite the good things he did. And yet, I don’t think Maher would go on his show to implore Americans to stop complaining about Trump if he were in office.

Maher Made Up For His Stupidity About Biden With His Perspective Of Mental Health

So that part of his rant was your typical liberal monologue about how people who say that they don’t like what a progressive president is doing are complaining too much.

But then he provided a refreshing perspective on the shocking rise in mental health cases in the United States. Or at least, what people think are mental health cases.

"Every bed feeling isn’t a disease and Americans really need to stop pathologizing everything. No one’s just sad anymore. They’re clinically depressed. They don’t really worry. They have chronic anxiety. Do you like things neat and organized? That’s OCD. You’re bummed when it’s cold out? Seasonal depression. I hate being alone. Separation anxiety. Bored? That’s ADHD. Shy? Social Anxiety Disorder," Maher said.

"Are you moody?," he continued. "No. You’re bipolar. And some people are bipolar. And some people are on the spectrum, but sometimes ‘on the spectrum’ is just a whole pass for being a jerk."

In the process, he also accurately criticized TikTok for contributing to the confusion Americans have with mental health.

This part of this segment was completely spot on. Americans do have an unhealthy tendency to obsess over mental health, which leads many people to incorrectly believe that they have a mental health disorder. Of course, that leads to a whole host of problems.

In his own comedic way, Maher said that people should examine themselves more accurately to avoid believing they have significant mental problems.

"Maybe the solution is much simpler. And you just went a week without sleep or sunlight. Maybe you have problems that could be solved with vegetables," Maher said. 

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John Simmons graduated from Liberty University hoping to become a sports journalist. He’s lived his dream while working for the Media Research Center and can’t wait to do more in this field with Outkick. He could bore you to death with his knowledge of professional ultimate frisbee, and his one life goal is to find Middle Earth and start a homestead in the Shire. He’s still working on how to make that happen.