'Bean Dad' Apologizes For Viral Tweets About Daughter Struggling With Can Opener
After being run through the Twitter mob ringer, musician and podcaster father known as "Bean Dad" has offered an extensive apology and deleted his account after posting a thread about how his daughter struggled with a can opener for six hours.
In a weekend Twitter thread, Seattle resident John Roderick focused on his young daughter discovering a can opener and having no idea how to use it. Instead of showing her, Roderick insisted she figure it out on her own. He then watched as she unsuccessfully did so -- hour after thankless hour.
The Twitter world responded to the thread with rage. What a world it is, huh?
Roderick did apologize on his own website and explained very thoroughly why his can opener post was so wrong. Among his most noteworthy confessions was that his thread may have “reminded people very viscerally of abuse they’d experienced at the hand of a parent.”
"I deactivated my Twitter yesterday in a panic," Roderick wrote. "I had to reflect on what I’d done and the hurt I’d caused and my mind was clouded by an unprecedented flow of new information. I want to acknowledge and make amends for the injuries I caused. I have many things to atone for. My parenting story’s insensitivity and the legacy of hurtful language in my past are both profound failures. I want to confront them directly."
He went on to say that his story was "poorly told" and that the whole thing was supposed to be a "comedic" performance, with Roderick in the role of "asshole dad." He added that the "bit" was strictly intended for fans and friends.
"The idea that I would withhold food from her, or force her to solve a puzzle while she cried, or bind her to the task for hours without a break all were images of child abuse that affected many people very deeply," he wrote. "Rereading my story, I can see what I’d done."
Roderick also explained and apologized for "ethnic slur words" that were discovered in his early Twitter days.
"I have a lot more reflecting to do in the coming days so I’ll be taking a hiatus from my public life to let some of these lessons sink in," he concluded. "I apologize to my partners, my friends, and to all the people affected by my words for the hurt I caused."
Roderick is the frontman for the band, The Long Winters, among other roles.
You can read the full apology on Roderick's website at this link.