Amanda Pappas Stunned Instagram With Her Pinpoint Florida Forecast, Philly Mayor Meme & Trump Vs. Red Mulch
I'm BACK to watching sumo wrestling on NHK like the old days
Those of you who have been around for years remember when I was all about watching sumo wrestling on NHK, the English language Japanese news channel that used to be on UVerse.
The Kinsey family would sit down and watch the wrestling like it was the NFC Championship. We had our favorite wrestlers who were picked by how wild their last names sounded to us white people in northern Ohio.
The kids would rip off their shirts and sumo in our living room like maniacs. It was a blast.
Then AT&T yanked NHK off UVerse and our sumo era was over.
That changed last night when I figured out, for some reason, that NHK has an app and it has sumo replays. Sumo ON-DEMAND!
Mrs. Screencaps and I sat there last night like years before picking out wrestlers based on their wild names that we tried to pronounce. We laughed. We tried to figure out how the seating works. The lower level doesn't have actual seats. The Japanese are sitting criss-cross applesauce.
The last time we watched, Japan was still going through it's COVID era. The stands were empty and fans were ALL masked up. Times have changed.
Questions I have for the guys who wrote in the last time to tell me they are experts on sumo:
- How does ticketing work for the first 5-7 rows of ‘seats’ where the crowd is criss-cross applesaucing? Do they bring their own pads to sit on? Is it two people per square?
- Are the people in the front few rows rich? It doesn't come off like the people are elite, but I can be easily fooled here since I don't know anything about Japanese pop culture.
- How much are those criss-cross applesauce seats?
- What's a traditional meal to eat at sumo wrestling? What's the hot dog of the sumo wrestling concession stand world?
- Do they serve beer? Can fans get loaded at sumo wrestling?
- The fans rarely get out of their seat to go wild. Is that tradition? I don't see too many of them jumping up to high-five their friends.
The January tournament runs through Jan. 26, so we all have a few more days to get into sumo before the AFC/NFC championship games.
‘Screencaps isn’t in the daily OutKick email'
— Chris in Mount Pleasant, SC emails:
When I didn’t see Screencaps in the Outkick emails during the holidays, I just figured you were enjoying a well deserved break from the grind and enjoying time with family.
However, it’s continued into mid-late January now, and I’m still not seeing Screencaps in the daily Outkick emails. What gives?
- I can report that there have been some newsletter changes after a personnel change.
- I can also report that Screencaps will SOON have its own newsletter so I get to control my OWN newsletter and send out MY OWN updates to readers who want those precious updates.
- Hang tight. I will SOON have the situation rectified. I'm just waiting on the DEV team to pump out a sign-up page for you maniacs.
A father writes in about the loss of his son during the Buckeyes title run
— Jim M. in Sylvania, OH, but now in Florida, says:
Mike M.’s tribute to his Army vet Buckeye dad brought a tear to my eye as I thought about my own dad, a WWII navy guy who spent time in the Phillipines.
Dad and I are both Badgers, so we’re not going to talk football; our connection was golf. He was always looking for that shortcut to greatness;…there aren’t any.
The reason I write is that we just lost a beloved son, age 41 on Christmas Day. He was a Buckeye (2007) raised in Sylvania, OH but lived in Scottsdale, AZ for most of his adult life.
The Buckeye Alumni Association there has game day at the Bottled Blonde in Scottsdale. On the day of The Game, the place is packed, and when the Buckeyes take the field the entire crowd breaks out in….(you know what’s coming;) "We don’t give a damn about the whole State of Michigan " followed by a stanza of Carmen Ohio.
Joe, it will make the hair on the back of your neck stand out. It’s just a great rush.
— Jim added:
I’ve also been waiting for the well-informed cadre of Screencaps contributors to suggest one particular author, but do date he’’s not come up. He is Wilbur Smith. I am copying from his foundation website on the day he passed away in 2021:
"The undisputed and inimitable master of adventure writing, Wilbur Smith’s novels have gripped readers for over half a century, selling over 140 million copies worldwide in more than thirty languages. His bestselling Courtney Series, the longest running in publishing history, follows the Courtney family’s adventures across the world, spanning generations and three centuries, through critical periods from the dawn of colonial Africa to the American Civil War, and to the apartheid era in South Africa."
His research and detail is meticulously done, character development goes deep, always a bit of romance, and the storylines are compelling. Highly recommended, and he will not disappoint. Great in Audible for those car trips too.
And lastly, Joe, it is my opinion that not only are the Buckeyes the undisputed champions of college football, they may be one of the best champions in a decade;…and I don’t believe that Cinderella story would have been possible absent the loss to Michigan;…funny how things work out.
Have you ever appeared on Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy or any other game show? Tell us about it
— Jake in Charlottesville, VA writes:
It seems like you have the senior citizen pre-bedtime entertainment beat over there at Outkick with your coverage of The Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. With the recent spate of book recommendations on Screencaps, I can also see that you attract a readership that's intelligent and egalitarian; after all, I am a daily reader, and I am both of those things...
So, question for the audience out there: Have any Screencaps readers been on either show, and what was it like? I've taken the Jeopardy quiz on a couple of occasions now, and I've always thought I'd at least not embarrass myself if I was chosen to go on, but I've not as of yet received an invitation to try out for the show.
I would love to hear from a Screencaps reader a first-person accounting of their journey to get on, and then the experience once they were competing.
- Jake, you'd be shocked at how many people care about Wheel and/or Jeopardy posts. It's a big pageview industry and I like to write about both shows because typically I can piss off the base which is good for business.
- In the early 2000s, I knew a guy who won both showcases on the Price is Right. He came home with cars and trips. I seem to remember he immediately sold off one of the cars and turned down a trip to Egypt. At that point, I seem to remember he had to pay the taxes on your winnings before leaving L.A.
Who has been on a game show? Share how it went.
Did you know this about Idaho?
— Marty in Idaho, who watched on a trail cam as Bert, the neighbor's cat, was carried to his death by a mountain lion, writes:
A tidy zero degrees in Hailey, Idaho this morning. Haven’t seen 32 degrees in a couple weeks at least.
Here’s an item that might surprise some Screencaps readers. Another reason to love my Idaho. It’s true too.
Dogs playing in the Savannah snow
— Louie in Savannah shares a sight that will most likely never be seen again in our lifetime:
6 inches of snow in Savannah, GA last night!
K-9 Ofra is enjoying it, just like all the local kids who have no idea when they’ll be heading back to school.
Can’t remember the name of the guy who said that people treat dogs too much like humans and that’s improper, but he’s clearly never spent time around a dog like this. Dogs are just flat out awesome, whether they "work" for a living or just make your life better by being your buddy.

A ‘Guy’ who knows snow is sick of these Southerners and their snow reports
— Western New Yorker Guy G. came out firing on Wednesday:
I know it’s a big deal when TX and LA get snow. "We got 9! Get the ruler out". Come on folks. My driveway doesn’t get plowed for 9". We got 18" Monday night, and I made it to the office without issue. I know, I know. We know how to deal with it here. You’re right, we do. Drive a little slower, throw an extra log on the fire, and keep moving. It’s -5* here today. My kids are out cross country skiing, because…why not? (5 and 2 yo)
Those are my grills buried over there on the left. They’ll be fired up this weekend, with ribs on the menu.

I will give Southerners credit. I didn't see much bitching and moaning about the snow. It's supposed to be 67 and partly sunny in Baton Rouge on Sunday and 62 and partly sunny in Pensacola on Monday.
Screencaps reader is having a rabbit issue…this topic is going to fire up the base!
I can't wait to read the responses to this email.
— Mike in Peabody, MA tells me his issue:
Hello Joe! Congrats to your Buckeyes for getting it done. Clearly the best team all season long, and it just makes the Michigan loss all the more baffling. I had ND +9.5 so could have done without that last FG, but those are the breaks I guess.
Writing to you today in the hopes of enlisting Screencaps Nation to help with a very specific problem I have. As we all know - when you can’t come up with a solution on your own, Screencaps Nation has your back! My problem in a word……. Rabbits!!
My backyard abuts a small patch of woods and while we’ve always seen rabbits here and there, the population seems to have really exploded lately. You could say they are multiplying like…..well, you know. Clearly, the local coyotes have been slacking, and my yard is really suffering because of it. See attached for an example of what these things leave behind. The whole yard looks like this, it’s gross! I’m glad it has snowed over and frozen so I won’t have to look at it for a while. But then I know it’ll be even worse after the thaw.
Hoping to get advice from anyone on how to repel these critters. I’ve tried powders, sprays, even some plug-in box that supposedly emits a sound they don’t like. Nothing works. Anyone know an effective way to keep them out of my yard?
(I’m not opposed to a little poison, but any solutions would need to be dog-safe)
And how about what to do with all the presents they have left me? Raking does a good job of spreading the cocoa puffs around but they are almost impossible to collect into a pile to dispose of. Anyone have better luck with something other than a rake?

Have at it, rabbit killers.
Will you give up your protest of the Redskins name change if the Commanders make it to the Super Bowl?
— Keith writes:
Seeing all of the responses to the Washington team name reminds me of what I thought would have been a much more appropriate name than the Commanders. If they were going to change the name, and they really didn't want to, they should have gone with the Washington Commandeers.
Incredibly similar to the current name obviously, but way more fitting given they're in DC. What better describes DC than our government taking things away from US citizens without authority?
— John in Milford, MI checks in:
Regarding team name changes, I still call the "Commanders" the Redskins just like I still call the "Guardians" the Indians and the "Wizards" the Bullets. I disagree with the wussification of team names.
The thing I have always maintained is that no one historically named their team with the goal of denigrating anyone. Teams name themselves "Spartans" or "Indians" or "Vikings" because those guys were bad asses.
That is the reason no one is called the "Fighting Frenchmen." My family is from the Peloponnese, and I would be disappointed if Michigan State decided "Spartans" was offensive for some reason and renamed themselves. It should be a point of pride.
— Mike N. tells me:
Jumping into the Redskins fray. I was a Redskin in high school which is now the Redhawks. Later my college, University of Illinois, killed Chief Illiniwek - you know, the guy who the state is named after. I'm cursed. They should just change the name of the state to West Indiana. Wait, whoops, nope - named after Indians. South Wisconsin, another Indian name, damn it! Just think of how many Native Americans living in the U.S. today were able to go to school, or better schools, or get a job, or get better jobs because of the name changes...
Apex WOKE is changing the Washington Redskins name to the people who killed the most Indians - the U.S. Army Commanders - see Google Search below...

However, there is a certain satisfaction when the radio guys call them the Commies, which is perfect for Washington D.C.
Here's to another year of the Greatest Column in the Land!
Now that I think of it, I can't remember a dream that included a cellphone
A Colombian breakfast!
— Kjell in Houston shares:
My timing is impeccable - I’m in Medellín, Colombia while Houston was getting hit with a rare snowstorm. Our hotel serves up a great traditional Colombian breakfast: calentado. Includes rice, beans, egg, chorizo, pork rinds, sweet plantain and avocado. Very tasty and very filling! Keep up the good work!

Now we're talking! I always knew I loved a traditional Colombian breakfast even though I've never had one. This looks great and much better than that English breakfast that Mike T. showed off.
Advantage: Colombians.
That is it this morning. Yes, there are a bunch of emails to get through. You guys aren't leaving the house and it shows. The emails are piled sky-high.
I'm up against my 9 a.m. deadline. Let's get after it.
Never forget how lucky we are to call this place home.