62-Year-Old Yankees Broadcaster Michael Kay Tries Eggs For First Time, Makes Rookie Blunder By Going With An Egg White Omelet

Broadcaster Michael Kay recently made a jaw-dropping admission: that in his 62 years spent on this planet, he had never tried eggs.

Until recently.

Kay revealed on X that for more than six decades he had steered clear of eggs. He didn't say why, he just revealed that on vacation he decided it was finally time to give them a go.

He went with an egg white and bacon omelet, and the verdict?

Kay is not an egg guy.

Now, I'm not one for food shaming (although I stand by my argument that by the age of 12, it's time to grow up and dip your wings in blue cheese instead of ranch). It'd be easy to rip on Kay for having avoided one of the building blocks of breakfast for more than six decades.

I find it legitimately impressive that he navigated life without even accidentally consuming eggs. That's like navigating a minefield. I can't even count the number of times I've been halfway through a salad or something before I even realized there was some hard-boiled egg thrown into the mix.

However, Kay went about trying eggs the completely wrong way.

Kay's Yolk Avoidance Was His Undoing

On paper, eggs should not work. Whatever caveman figured out something that popped out of a hen's nether regions and is the consistency of a loogie was good eatin' was brave, but lo and behold, they work.

Where I think Michael Kay went wrong is by going with egg whites for his maiden egg voyage. That's just not representative of what eggs are capable of. It'd be like if you've never had chocolate in your entire life and decided to give it a whirl by trying the sugar-free kind.

Technically you tried it, but you're missing out on some important aspects of it.

I know some people are grossed out by them, but the yolk is the best part of the egg. You know it's good because it's the part people omit in the name of eating healthier. If you're new to eggs, maybe steer clear of more yolk-forward forms of eggs. Your over-easy, your poached.

Leave those to the grizzled egg vets like myself who love nothing more than mopping up a little yolk with a nice piece of golden-brown toast at the kind of diner where a beehive hair-do waitress tops off your coffee and calls you "hun."

That is egg Nirvana, folks.

Still, you need some yolk in there to get the full effect. Kay should've gone scrambled. That's the perfect beginner egg. Even dumb toddlers can eat those. That, or he could've gotten a regular omelet.

Then, if he still found it was not to his liking, then it would be time to swear off eggs full-stop.

But not before giving it the proper college try.

Follow on X: @Matt_Reigle

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.