Check Your White Privilege Via YWCA/Disney's 'White Privilege Checklist'

Here's something you and the guys can do on the job site when you have a free moment. Christopher F. Rufo, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, unearthed the ultimate white privilege self-assessment test to determine "How Privileged Are You?"

Rufo was in the process of researching Disney and how the corporation has workers take the white privilege self-assessment challenge when he got his hands on the YWCA's privilege document used by the Mickey Mouse company as part of its "21-Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge" program.

There are 97 statements on the list that are used to determine your level of privilege. It's unclear how the scale works here. The only guidance we get here from the YWCA is that "more checks = more privilege."

And how exactly are we supposed to use this information? If you have 50 checks does that mean you're ultra-privileged? 90 or more and you're elite privileged? Come on YWCA, help us out here.

Some of the more interesting statements on the privilege checklist include:

• I graduated high school.

• I've never had a roommate.

• I have frequent flier miles.

• My parents are still married.

• I buy new clothes at least once a month.

• I have traveled internationally.

Still interested in working for Disney, the company that's in bed with Colin Kaepernick? As part of its 21-Day Equity and Social Justice Challenge," workers are also encouraged to "decolonize" their bookshelves and to avoid scrolling "past articles written by people of color."

Is your head spinning yet?

Employees are also encouraged to "Reflect on the diversity of your personal and professional networks and how racial dimensions of your identity give (or do not give) you access and advantage."

Here's an idea: be productive, don't be an asshole and go home and do the same for your family. There's a challenge that completely takes the 97-statement woke challenge and throws it out the window and makes the world a better place.

Meanwhile, the woke and inclusion division is out here creating 800-pages of nonsense that leaves workers paralyzed. Give me the simple three-step approach.

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Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.