Bob Dole’s Final Letter Asks If He Will Still Be Eligible to Vote In Chicago

Former Republican U.S. Senator Bob Dole, who passed away Sunday at the age of 98, fired one last parting shot at the Democratic Party on Friday morning. Making the most of his funeral from the other side, Dole had a prepared statement ready, poking fun at the questionable voter registration in the mostly-blue city of Chicago.

In his final letter, read by his daughter Robin, Dole wonders whether "like others who have gone before me,... I will still be able to vote in Chicago."

Dole's perfectly timed wisecrack immediately had the majority of mourners inside of Arlington National Cathedral erupting in laughter. Senator Dole had clearly been preparing for this moment.

"As I make the final walk on my life's journey, I do so without fear. Because I know that I will again not be walking alone. I know that God will be walking with me," Robin Dole read on her father's behalf.

As part of his farewell letter, Dole confessed: "I'm a bit curious to learn if I am correct in thinking that heaven will look a lot like Kansas," the state he so proudly represented.

From the sounds of it, open mic night inside of Heaven's pearly gates is about to get a whole lot more entertaining.


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Anthony is a former high school basketball intramural champion who played a leading role in creating two offspring. He spends his weekends hoping for an MTV Rock N' Jock revival. Follow him on X (@OhioAF).