Younger Americans Far Less Proud To Live In United States Than Boomers
Patriotism is at an all-time low. The net share of Americans who say they are proud to live in the United States drops precipitously with each generation.
A Morning Consult study found that 73% of Baby Boomers say they are proud to live in America. Yet the share of Gen Zers who agree comes in at a staggering 57 points lower, at 16%:

Patriotic sentiment among American generations.
In part, Gen Z adults have sustainably less trust in U.S. government institutions than older generations. Baby Boomers have a 69% trust rate in the local government, compared to just 40% among Gen Zers.
Likewise, Boomers trust the U.S. government at a rate of 49%, 11 percentage points higher than Zoomers.
As was the case with patriotic sentiment, faith in the government decreases with each generation:

Trust among Americans.
Gen Z adults also have low purchasing power relative to other generations, perhaps accounting for their lack of satisfaction with the state of the country.
Adults ages 18-29 accounts for only 10% of all U.S. adults earning at least $100,000 a year.
Further, younger generations spend more time on social media and in digital settings. Anecdotally, less physical human interaction and more reliance on algorithms have a net negative effect on one's happiness.
Internet use increases awareness of the hysterias across society. Online, dramatics drive engagement. Common sense fades into the abyss.
Patriotism is also less in vogue among younger adults. They are more focused on social issues, decreasing their approval of the nation.
Per the study, younger generations expressed a much stronger demand for corporate action on hot-button domestic issues like race and abortion.
Meanwhile, Boomers and Gen Xers focus more carefully on traditional geopolitical issues, with which they are pleased.
"The waning conviction among younger U.S. consumers that American companies behave ethically overseas, and their indifference toward corporate activism on traditional geopolitical issues, together signal a more focused application of youth-driven corporate activism in coming years," Morning Consult concludes.
"At the same time, Gen Z is likely to be more critical of any inconsistencies they detect across companies’ domestic and international practices related to social issues like labor treatment and environmental stewardship."
Here's a breakdown of the issues of interest that separate Americans by age demographics:

Thus, you rarely find a Boomer on Twitter decrying the supposed injustices of America.