Yale Found 'Illegally Discriminating' Against White and Asian Students
Thursday, the Department of Justice found Yale University's undergraduate admissions process to “illegally discriminate” against White and Asian students.
The DOJ explained, "A two-year investigation into the Ivy League school found that 'race is the determinative factor in hundreds of admissions decisions each year,'" and is in violation of Title VI of the 964 Civil Rights Act.
Yale must now agree not to use race or national origin as criteria in its next admissions cycle, and that if it is to consider race in the future, “it must first submit to the Department of Justice a plan demonstrating its proposal is narrowly tailored as required by law, including by identifying a date for the end of race discrimination.”
According to the DOJ probe, Asian American and White students are one-tenth to one-fourth as likely to be admitted to Yale as Black students with comparable academic resumes.
The press release added, "Yale rejects scores of Asian American and White applicants each year based on their race, whom it otherwise would admit.”
Before we go any further, here are some words to describe Yale's admissions process: ludicrous, racist, and pathetic.
Yale, of course, denied the act of racism.
Karen Peart, a university spokeswoman, told CNBC the Justice Department made its conclusions before Yale had provided "enough information."
This situation is embarrassing. It's inexcusable to accept or not accept a student based on their race. Furthermore, it's punishable. At least it should be. What makes it worse, corporate America favors Ivy-educated graduates. A Yale acceptance could change a student's life, as well as their future family.
Not shockingly, the media is ignoring this finding. Perhaps, the opportunists disguised as journalists didn't see it as a brand-building topic. Because that is how they pick and choose when to display outrage.
The country's academic system is deeply flawed. In high school, college is preached as a must. And the admissions process is bogus. They judge applicants on race. Some prestigious colleges — USC most noteworthy — have taken bribes from rich, celebrity parents.
What's more, students who are accepted, often have to take out student loans that lead to substantial early-life debt and reliance on the government, who they are encouraged to borrow money from. (Hmm...)
Yale should be ashamed. And high school graduates should strongly consider Mike Rowe's program, which provides individuals the opportunity to get a head start in an in-demand, skilled labor field.
“I’ve been talking a lot about $1.5 trillion in student loans on the books and the very real fact that that’s a millstone around the next hundreds of thousands of kids,” Rowe said. “People are getting that message, but they’re also now seeing that there is a difference between skills that are in demand and education that is not.”
Sounds pretty good, huh?