World Health Organization Reaffirms Commitment to Masks, Defying Scientific Evidence
The World Health Organization recently reaffirmed its commitment to universal mask wearing to stop the spread of COVID.
The WHO's technical lead for COVID, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, said during an unmasked press conference that despite data showing that masks don't work, they will continue to be one of their recommended interventions.
During her remarks, Van Kerkhove repeated that the same strategies that have already failed, will continue to be their recommended strategies.
“I reiterate that the use of masks continues to be part of our strategy to reduce the spread. We have a strategy that is based on vaccinations, on distancing as much as possible as we go about our lives, wearing of well-fitting masks when we’re around others, and particularly on public transportation and certainly among health workers.”
There is no evidence to support the wearing of masks on public transportation or among health workers.
In fact, a recent gold standard review confirmed that masks are ineffective at reducing the spread of respiratory viruses.
That examination, conducted by the Cochrane Review team, examined the highest quality evidence. But Van Kerkhove dismissed their conclusions by, uh, admitting that it examined the highest quality evidence.
“There was a systematic review that was published that was looking at randomized controlled trials,” she said.
The WHO seemingly aligns with the CDC, where wishful thinking and two hairdressers is considered sufficient evidence.

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 18: Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the adjusts her face mask during a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing on the federal coronavirus response on Capitol Hill on March 18, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Susan Walsh-Pool/Getty Images)
WHO Lies About Masks
Van Kerkhove wasn't done with dismissing randomized trial data, which had previously been considered the gold standard.
Instead, she implicitly acknowledged that she hadn't read it while saying that they'd examine the evidence on all respiratory viruses.
“We continue to look at all available evidence that is provided to us, that is published through this pandemic as well as looking at other studies of other respiratory diseases, including flu, influenza-like illness, acute respiratory infections and severe acute respiratory infections,” she explained.
Except the Cochrane study specifically highlighted that they looked at trials on COVID, flu and other respiratory viruses. And masks didn't work for any of them.
Their review specifically stated this in their conclusions.
"Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenza-like illness (ILI)/COVID-19 like illness compared to not wearing masks," it reads.
Despite her claims that masks should "certainly" be used for health workers, the review debunked that policy as well.
"Restricting pooling to healthcare workers made no difference to the overall findings," the study explains.
Despite the fact that there is no evidence, trial data, or real world observational information saying masks work, the WHO's technical COVID lead made that inaccurate claim yet again.
“Masks remain one of the recommendations that we have because we know that they are effective at preventing some of the transmission," Van Kerkhove said.
Discrediting Statements
Stating "we know they are effective" is a masterpiece of inaccuracy, stupidity and deflection.
There is no way to "know" masks are effective, because they aren't.
We have measured data showing mask compliance is entirely irrelevant.

We also know that mask mandates did nothing to slow the spread of COVID.

The WHO themselves also specifically stated, in 2019 in a document designed to prepare governments for pandemic viruses, that there was no evidence masks worked.
Notice too that they referenced RCT's, or randomized trials. The exact type of evidence that Van Kerkhove dismisses now.
They even repeated that there was a "moderate" level of certainty that masks do not have a "substantial effect" on transmission.
Yet now they claim "we know they are effective," despite new trial data confirming they aren't.
The WHO, like the CDC, is quite simply lying to cover up their own incompetence.
They did not recommend masking to stop COVID initially because their own evidence review confirmed there was no evidence that they worked.
Only after it became a political necessity for them to change course did they alter their recommendations.
At this point, it's clear they're more concerned with refusing to admit mistakes than they are in telling the truth.
The WHO reaffirming their commitment to masking is dangerous, considering politicians still rely on their advice to make decisions. It's inexcusable ignorance, political posturing, and displays a disgraceful disregard for evidence-based decision making.
In short, it's the epitome of public health "expert" behavior during the pandemic. Get ready for more permanent masking.