Where's The Beef (From)? RFK Jr. Needs To Thoroughly Focus On Origins Of American Food Supply | Tomi Lahren

Later this week, RFK Jr. will face what I’m sure will be a contentious and fiery confirmation hearing. He’s sure to take incoming from both the Left and the Right over everything from his stance on vaccines to big Pharma, abortion and our food supply.

And that last one I mentioned is what I want to focus on. Our food supply. 


So there’s been a lot of discussion about banning certain dyes, additives and preservatives in our food, and rightfully so. We need to get that junk out, but there’s another VERY OVERLOOKED aspect of our food supply that I want to shine some light on.

WHERE IS OUR FOOD COMING FROM? More specifically, where is our meat coming from? 

Guess what, you actually don’t know and that should scare the crap out of you. 

For years now, I’ve joined American ranchers in their plea for mandatory country of origin labeling on our beef products. 

Yeah, as shocking as it sounds, unless you raise and butcher livestock yourself or purchase your beef from an independent rancher,  you have NO IDEA where your beef is from.  

Back in March 2016, the  Department of Agriculture revoked regulations requiring imported meat products to be labeled with their country of origin. 

But I know what some of you are thinking, the beef you buy in the grocery store has a "product of USA?" sticker on it. Well, not so fast. Those products can carry that label so long as the meat is PACKAGED or even REPACKAGED here. 

And that sneaky and deceptive practice has allowed greedy meat packers to undercut our American ranchers who are left unable to differentiate their product from the foreign stuff. 

So does the importation of foreign meat mean you’re getting a discount at the checkout line? Absolutely not. You’re paying the same price, you just don’t know for what or from where!

Look, I come from generations of American ranchers so this issue is obviously close to my heart but I know you might not give a hoot about saving American ranchers. 

Still, you should care where your meat is coming from. And now, more than perhaps ever before, we are relying on these farmers and ranchers to keep our country afloat.

President Trump has vowed to unleash American energy, let’s unleash American agriculture and American producers while we are at it!    

Our American ranchers, their families, their legacies, their way of life is in grave danger but if we lose our American beef and meat producers, it’s the American consumers who will truly be in trouble. 

RFK Jr, if you’re listening to this. Please help. 

Those are my Final Thoughts. 

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Tomi Lahren serves as the host of the evening opinion show Tomi Lahren is Fearless on Outkick.com which features her signature bold takes on trending culture stories driving the conversation across America, along with guest interviews with newsmakers spanning the world of sports, entertainment, pop culture and social media.

Lahren is also a FOX News Media contributor and the exclusive voice of FOX News Commentary on FOX News Audio where she offers her perspective on everything from pop culture to politics with a 60-second FOX News Audio produced feature. The segment is syndicated three times per weekday across more than 160 FOX News Radio stations.

With more than 8 million social media followers, Lahren has become a sensation known for her viral videos, where she offers her opinion on everything from politics to pop culture. Previously, she served as host of FOX Nation's Final Thoughts and No Interruption and provided commentary across FOX News Media’s programming since joining the company in 2017. Throughout her tenure, she has conducted notable interviews with guests including Caitlyn Jenner, music stars Clay Aiken and Ryan Weaver, NASCAR driver Josh Bilicki and UFC legend Tito Ortiz.

Prior to joining FOX News Media, she hosted Tomi on The Blaze and On Point with Tomi Lahren on One America News Network. A native of Rapid City, South Dakota, Lahren is a graduate of The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where she earned her B.A. in broadcast journalism and political science. She also produced and hosted the university’s political roundtable show The Scramble on UNLV-TV.

Lahren is also the author of Never Play Dead: How the Truth Makes You Unstoppable, which inspires readers to shed fear, find inner strength and speak the truth.