Washington Post Admits That Vaccinated People Make Up Majority Of COVID Deaths

Well this will certainly end a number of COVID narratives.

According to the Washington Post, an analysis conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 58% of COVID deaths in August were people that had been vaccinated or boosted.

Remember when Joe Biden said last year that unvaccinated Americans faced a winter of "severe illness and death?" And that the unvaccinated would soon "overwhelm" hospitals?

That did not age well.

Neither did recent remarks from his two top COVID advisors, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Ashish Jha.

Well recent is underselling it, the remarks came less than 24 hours before the Post's report.

Fauci Misleads on Vaccines

During his final press conference on Tuesday, Fauci, according to Reuters, repeated again that Americans need to get vaccinated and boosted.

"Fauci used his final press briefing to strongly encourage Americans to get COVID vaccines and booster shots."

Reuters said he "touted the effectiveness of masks," despite the fact that they are, of course, completely ineffective.

Fauci also repeated the blatant lie that vaccination status provides protection to others, despite evidence to the contrary. NBC quoted him begging people to get the new boosters.

"For your own safety, for that of your family, get your updated Covid-19 shot as soon as you’re eligible."

Except newly available evidence has shown they're significantly less effective than people like Fauci claimed they were.


And now it turns out that 58% of recent COVID deaths are among those who are vaccinated and boosted.

More COVID Lies from The Experts™

To be fair, 58% doesn't mean that the vaccines and boosters are entirely ineffective, considering the high percentage of Americans who have been vaccinated.

But it does once again highlight that those who claim to care about "misinformation" are often the biggest purveyors of it.

Ashish Jha, who is the White House COVID response coordinator, has repeatedly advocated for social media companies to censor vaccine "misinformation."

But he himself just blatantly lied and spread inaccurate information on vaccines and boosters, by saying better booster uptake could "prevent every COVID death in America."

Literally less than 24 hours later, a new report shows that 58% of deaths are among vaccinated or boosted individuals.

Jha, unsurprisingly, was not censored by any social media companies for spreading purposeful disinformation.

That's how COVID information works. Government approved "experts" lie with impunity and mislead people to achieve their goals, while accurate information is suppressed if it comes from the wrong sources.

Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, Ashish Jha, the CDC and the entirety of the media said for most of the past year that we were in a "pandemic of the unvaccinated."

Unvaccinated people were demonized, fired, labeled, denied treatment and had their rights taken away. All based on the lie that the vaccines were 95-100% effective.

Now that they're conclusively proven wrong, they double down instead of apologizing.

Holding them accountable for the damage they've caused and lies they've told shouldn't just be a priority, it should be the top priority.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.