Uh Oh, Michael Brown's Dad & Ferguson Protest Groups Turn On BLM, Want Paid
The father of Michael Brown and an activist from Ferguson, Missouri have released a video in which they demand answers from the national Black Lives Matter organization about whether their city will be seeing some of the more than $90 million raised by BLM over the last year.
"Today, we hold Black Lives Matter accountable," Tory Russell, a Ferguson organizer, says while standing next to Michael Brown Sr., the father of Michael Brown Jr., whose shooting death in 2014 is said to be where the movement gained national attention.
“Where is all that money going?” Brown Sr. asks on the video. “How could you leave the families who are helping the community without any funding?”
In February, the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation revealed its finances for the first time since the movement began in 2013. “We want to uplift Black joy and liberation, not just Black death. We want to see Black communities thriving, not just surviving,” BLM said in a release to the Associated Press.
Russell & Brown Sr. don't seem impressed by the corporate-speak coming out of the national headquarters.
"The movement that has catapulted into the limelight has forgotten about Ferguson and the freedom fighters,” Russell says before naming those from Ferguson who’ve yet to receive any assistance from the organization for what they did in 2014.
“What kind of movement are we building where we’re saying Black Lives Matter but the freedom fighters and their families are being left behind? Where’s our restitution? Where’s our organizing? Where’s our building of a movement?
“We’re not begging for a handout. We’re coming for what we deserve.”