The Leftist Media Has Blessed Us With An Early Christmas: Tomi Lahren
Folks, the gap between Election Day and Inauguration Day can sometimes be hard to fill.
Like right now, Joe is still our president- ya know- to the extent he is able to be from the basement they lock him in.
And Kamala- she’s a presidential loser and whether she’s accepted it or not, her political career is over. Unless she wants to run for like, I don’t know, dog catcher back in California.
So here we are for the next couple of months in limbo land as we await the next Trump Administration.
And for like two seconds last week I was a little worried we in conservative media wouldn’t have a ton to talk about.
Boy, was I wrong.
The Leftist media has blessed us with an early Christmas.
Deck the Hall with boughs of babies!
Tomi Liberal Meltdowns
Did you hear that y'all? "Boy" is now a slur!
I mean I miss the OG deranged Liberals who just freaked out over the word "Christmas!" Now they get triggered over the word "boys!"
I pray for their mental health. I truly do.
But that being said, I still enjoy watching it. The breakdowns. The meltdowns. For the last 10 years these people have been calling us Hitler and Nazis and deplorable so they deserve the self-induced misery and brain brokenness they are currently experiencing.
Leftist media is the gift that will keep giving all through the holiday season and all the way through the glorious inauguration and for the next 4 years after that.
Thank you. Bless you. Seek help.