The 40 US Representatives Who Sided With Cuba's Communist Government And Against 'Libertad'

The United States Congress on Wednesday voted on House Resolution 760, a symbolic resolution expressing support for the Cuban people who have and continue protesting, seeking "libertad," or liberty on the imprisoned island run by a tyrannical communist regime.

The resolution, meant to be bipartisan as it was introduced by South Florida democrat Debbie Wasserman Shultz and agreed to by 240 Republicans, condemns the communist regime’s violent response to the peaceful protests.

So pretty simple stuff:

Good guys wanting freedom and liberty get a yea vote.

Communist bad guys answering with violence to stay in power helped by a nay vote.

The United States Congress should obviously side with good and not wickedness.

And yet 40 democrats voted against the resolution. Some of those were Hispanics, although not Cuban-Americans. And some of those who voted nay were congressmen and congresswomen who enthusiastically supported BLM and Antifa protests in the United States last summer.

Four other legislators, three democrats and republican Thomas Massie of Kentucky, were so torn about what is right and wrong, they did the politically expedient thing by voting "present."

The resolution passed on a 382-40 vote, with four fence-sitters voting “present.”

The resolution did not affect United States policy toward the island country.

It merely expressed solidarity with Cuban citizens demonstrating peacefully for fundamental freedoms, condemning the Cuban regime's acts of repression, and calling for the immediate release of imprisoned Cuban citizens.

You should know that regardless of Wednesday's vote in Washington, Cubans on the island -- students, artists, peasants, young and old alike -- are preparing a nationwide anti-communist demonstration for November 15.

The Cuban government, headed by Fidel and Raul Castro mentee Migual Diaz Canel, has threatened, arrested, beaten and imprisoned organizers in advance of the planned protest.

So who in the United States of America votes against people seeking liberty on an island 90 miles off Florida's coast? Who sides with the communists?

These losers:

Jamaal Bowman, NY.

Cori Bush, MO.

Judy Chu, CA.

New York's Alexandra Ocasio-Cortes, who's roots are Puerto Rican, voted against those seeking liberty.

Nydia M. Velazquez of NY., a native of Puerto Rico and an advocate of human rights for Puerto Ricans, voted against the human rights of Cubans.

Jesus G. Garcia, IL, who is Mexican, voted against the Cuban protestors.

Joaquin Castro, who is Hispanic and identifies as "Latinx," whatever that is, voted present. So he couldn't fully support Cuba's totalitarian government but neither would he vote on behalf of the Cubans hoping to free themselves from it.

Minnesota's Ilhan Omar, who escaped the violence of her native Somalia, voted against the Cuban people trying to protest the violence of their native Cuba.

Jimmy Gomez, CA, the son of immigrant farm workers, voted present.

Raul M. Grijalva AZ -- whose father was a Mexican migrant worker -- voted nay.

Steve Cohen from Tennessee voted present.

The others who voted against liberty:

Yvette Clarke, NY.

Danny K. Davis, ILL.

Diana DeGette, CO.

Rosa L. DeLauro, CT.

Mark DeSaulnier, CA.

Michael F. Doyle, PA.

Dwight Evans, PA.

Jared Huffman, CA.

Sara Jacobs, CA.

Pramila Jayapal, WA.

Henry Johnson, Jr., GA.

Robin Kelly, IL.

Barbara Lee, CA.

Andy Levin, MI.

Alan S. Lowenthal, CA.

Betty McCollum, MN.

James P. McGovern, MN.

Grace Meng, NY.

Gwen Moore, WI.

Jerry Nadler NY.

Donald Payne, NJ.

Chellie Pingree, ME.

Mark Pocan, WI.

Katie Porter, CA.

Ayanna Pressley, MA.

Bobby Rush, IL.

Melanie A. Stansbury, NM.

Mark Takano, CA.

Rashida Tlaib, MI.

Maxine Waters, CA. and her wig.

Peter Welch, VT.

John Yarmuth, KY.

Follow on Twitter: @ArmandoSalguero

Written by

Armando Salguero is a national award-winning columnist and is OutKick's Senior NFL Writer. He has covered the NFL since 1990 and is a selector for the Pro Football Hall of Fame and a voter for the Associated Press All-Pro Team and Awards. Salguero, selected a top 10 columnist by the APSE, has worked for the Miami Herald, Miami News, Palm Beach Post and ESPN as a national reporter. He has also hosted morning drive radio shows in South Florida.