Tennis Writer Calls U.S. Open's Anti-Vaxx Mandate Protests 'Embarrassing,' Immediately Gets Annihilated

Those that are still clinging to their masks and looking at the unvaccinated as lesser humans received a win this week as unvaccinated Novak Djokovic is banned from competing in the U.S. Open. The CDC updated its guidance earlier this month admitting that there is no longer a difference between the unvaccinated and vaccinated, but New York, the U.S. Open, and the woke mob don't want to accept the reality.


Djokovic won Wimbledon in July, would be the favorite at the U.S. Open if allowed to play, and is one Grand Slam shy of Rafael Nadal's record of 22 titles. He's not allowed to enter the United States to chase history, however, because he made the personal choice to not get a substance injected into his body. Ahead of the opening round of play at the U.S. Open on Monday, a group of protestors stood outside the entrance of the event protesting the vaccine mandate. (Video Credit: Steve Sanchez - FNTV) According to David Kane, the editorial producer for the Tennis Channel, it's "embarrassing" to protest the government mandating the vaccine for non-citizens entering the country. Also, notice that Kane assumed the protestors were anti-vaxx, and not anti-vaxx mandate. Facts are only important when the blue check brigade wants them to be.

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Mark covers all sports at OutKick while keeping a close eye on the world of professional golf. He graduated from the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga before earning his master's degree in journalism from the University of Tennessee. He somehow survived living in Knoxville despite ‘Rocky Top’ being his least favorite song ever written. Before joining OutKick, he wrote for various outlets including SB Nation, The Spun, and BroBible. Mark was also a writer for the Chicago Cubs Double-A affiliate in 2016 when the team won the World Series. He's still waiting for his championship ring to arrive. Follow him on Twitter @itismarkharris.