Teachers Unions Pushing Soft Porn In Summer Reading Lists | Tomi Lahren

Editors Note: The National Education Association teachers union says the books were recommended as a summer reading list for educators, and not for students.

Just when you thought the cult that is the Almighty teachers union couldn’t get any more brazen and shameless ... they’ve outdone themselves with their summer reading list.

It’s time for Final Thoughts.

Just in case this wasn’t clear, the teachers unions care more about indoctrinating your kids and pushing out parents than they do any academic or educational goal. 

First they pushed for school closures, then the masking and forced vaxxing of children and now the largest teachers union - the National Education Association - has come out with a summer reading list that’s less educational and more, soft porn. 

Yeah the NEA has recommended teachers include the graphic gay sex novel “Gender Queer” on their students summer reading lists. 

Yes, it is what it looks like, a manual for gay sex, masturbation and more.

Is it educational? Yeah, sure, if you’re trying to groom and sexualize children!!

Disgusting. Repulsive. Downright sickening. 

There’s a reason this book is banned, because it doesn’t belong in front of children! 

We must ask, WHY do these ADULTS want KIDS reading about this stuff? Why? What's the end goal here? 

But “Gender Queer” isn’t the only concerning book on the list. Another is “White Fragility,” a book that details how white people are pretty much the worst and use anger, shame and guilt to avoid taking responsibility for racism and inequality. 

String those two books together and you pretty much have the Liberal Bible and would-be Democrat constitution rolled into one. 

Folks, they used to target this crap at college and university students but now they’ve set their sites on the younger ones. Why? Because they play the long game. They are creating their own brainwashed army of adolescents who will grow up to be Democrat voters and activists.

Our young people, our students, are failing by about every academic metric. And yet, the teachers unions have expressly declared their goal is not to better education or academic performance or achievement but rather,

To teach young impressionable students to hate one another, hate their parents and deny their own biology under the guise of “expression.” 

Parents, get your houses in order because this crap, it’s not ending till you make it stop. 

Those are my Final Thoughts. From Nashville, God bless and take care.

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Tomi Lahren hosts the evening opinion show Tomi Lahren is Fearless on Outkick.com which features her signature bold takes on trending culture stories driving the conversation across America, along with guest interviews with newsmakers spanning the world of sports, entertainment, pop culture and social media.