Sen. Ted Cruz Helps Rescue Flag Ceremonies At Sporting Events
The Biden administration has taken any number of inexcusable public actions since taking power nearly four years ago. But it's often what we don't hear about that is even more frustrating.
Take, for example, a Department of Defense policy under the Biden administration that was imposed in February 2023 preventing uniformed servicemembers from participating in the unfurling of large American flags prior to sporting events.
The memo, sent out because flags in those situations are unfurled and displayed horizontally, served no real purpose other than depriving servicemembers of a fun, unique opportunity to be part of a major sporting event. And to deprive fans at those events from showing their appreciation.
Enter Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx.). Senator Cruz this summer announced a proposed bill to stop this memo, and allow uniformed servicemembers to once again be part of the most American of activities: showing off a giant flag at a sporting event. The bill, Updating National Flag Use to Reaffirm Liberty (UNFURL) Act, would write an unnecessary, pointless Biden wrong. And thankfully, it just passed.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) discussed a new bill that seeks to protect college sports and limit federal involvement. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
Ted Cruz Win Brings Back Great American Tradition
Senator Cruz announced on Wednesday that with the passage of the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), several important priorities were secured. Including the UNFURL Act.
"The FY25 NDAA includes many significant provisions for Texas and our national security. It incorporates eight of my high-priority requests, including my COMMAND Act, which ensures that all newly commissioned officers receive training on the U.S. Constitution, and the UNFURL Act, which allows uniformed servicemembers to participate in the ceremonial unfurling of large American flags at sporting events," Cruz said in a statement.
That's a big win on its own, but the 2025 NDAA also ensures that funding for DEI initiatives will be gutted and re-directed to other, actually important, areas. It also limits funding for transgender treatments geared at minors, such as puberty blockers.
"The NDAA also contains important provisions aimed at protecting our children and families. It prohibits TRICARE from providing puberty blockers or sterilization treatments to minors and reallocates wasteful diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) funding to critical counter-narcotics efforts. This legislation also provides a long overdue salary increase for our servicemen and women. And critically, it does not contain a Senate Democrat provision that would have required women to register for the draft. I have long opposed that proposal and will continue to do so," the statement continues.
It's the first step in unwinding some of the abuses and extremism of the Biden administration. And means that the men and women in the Armed Forces will be able to once again join in the large ceremonial flag events we've all grown accustomed to. Massive win all around.