San Francisco School District To Reopen After School Name Backlash

A San Francisco school district has finally decided to reopen schools and return kids to the classroom, after spending months wasting time by debating the names of those schools.

Schools in the district will open in full April 12 after the district reached a deal with the teachers' union.

"We know students and families are suffering. Whether it be parents/caregivers trying their best to support their children, or teachers working nonstop to support learning during a pandemic," San Francisco’s school board president Gabriela Lopez said in a tweet Friday. "We hear you and we see you, and we remain committed to staying unified during this time."

Actually, there's been nothing "unified" about this bumbling mess created by Lopez and the San Francisco school board -- as they spent more time try to change "racially insensitive" names of schools schools than it did in making a workable plan to get kids back in them.

The board has now put the ridiculous renaming plan on hold.

 "Reopening will be our only focus until our children and young people are back in schools," Lopez said in a statement late last month. "We’re canceling renaming committee meetings for the time being."

Here's a better idea -- cancel renaming meetings for forever. Nobody but Lopez and her board members has ever given the names of the schools a thought. Instead, they created drama where there needn't be any, while keeping kids from getting an opportunity to learn in the best possible setting.

"Only six elementary schools are set to reopen in mid-April, with maximum class sizes of 22 students," FOX News relayed. "Additional schools are expected to begin opening later in the month, but only 12 of the city’s 130 schools have been set aside in the city’s 'wave 1' reopening plan. The city has not said when it anticipates all of its 57,000 public school students will be able to return to the classroom."