Ron DeSantis Is Second To None At Handling Crisis | Tomi Lahren

Hurricanes are nothing new to Florida residents, and since Ron DeSantis became governor, true leadership has been a steady constant as well. 

His ability to plan, execute and lead during times of disaster is unmatched, whether it be a hurricane or COVID tyranny or day-to-day tasks, he shows up, he does the job, he makes it about the people and not himself. 

And as much as the mainstream networks WISH they could say otherwise and as much was they likely hated to feature his leadership this week in the face of Hurricane Idalia, even they couldn’t find a way to make the governor look bad. 

He gave them no room to do that, not an inch. 

DeSantis: We're now up to 1.1 million gallons of fuel that is on standby to be able to mitigate any fuel interruptions. And sometimes you have it, sometimes you don't. We'd rather be safe than sorry. So that fuel is there and that can be deployed as needed. There are reports of people trying to loot down in Steinhatchee, and I've told all of our personnel at the state level, you know, you you protect people's property and and we are not going to tolerate any looting in the aftermath of a natural disaster. I'd also just remind potential looters that people you never know what you're walking into. People have a right to defend their property. We've also worked with the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association to make sure that all hotels will allow you to bring your pets, not leave your pets behind. You got to take them with them. Take them with you. And these hotels are going to be understanding of that. 

Ron DeSantis is a leader

That’s what leading from the front looks like. 

And in times of crisis - whether Trump supporters and Leftists want to admit it or not - Ron DeSantis is second to none. 

And that’s also why I’m really sick and tired of those on the Left and the Right unfairly coming after the man and his family. 

You don’t have to like him or vote for him. If your guy is still Trump or if your guy is Sleepy Creepy Joe or even Greasy Gavin - fine, whatever. 

But to make DeSantis out to be some villain or some inept leader is not only BS but a lie. 

He might not be charismatic or the life of the party but when push comes to shove, he gets the job done. 

Make America, Florida. 

Those are my Final Thoughts. 

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Tomi Lahren hosts the evening opinion show Tomi Lahren is Fearless on which features her signature bold takes on trending culture stories driving the conversation across America, along with guest interviews with newsmakers spanning the world of sports, entertainment, pop culture and social media.