'Report' Says Unvaccinated Individuals Are More Likely To Die In A Car Crash
Corporate journalists remain hard at work to close out 2022.
Wednesday, an eccentric character named Erin Prater from Fortune uncovered data from The American Journal of Medicine. Citing Canadian researchers, Prater declared that individuals not vaccinated against Covid-19 are at higher risk of a car crash than the quadruple vaxxed brigade.
Specifically, the outlet says unvaccinated people are 72% more likely to be involved in a severe traffic crash, in which at least one person is transported to the hospital.
Get the jab or get the Jaws of Life.
Too bad Dr. Fauci didn't coin such a slogan when he still had a daily platform on MSNBC with Chuck Todd.
Does the vaccine make one a less reckless driver? Less of a speeder? More equipped to judge the dangers of running a red light?
Or does the "report" simply state young men are less likely to get the Covid vaccine and also among the more risky road operators?
We'll go with the latter:
And this:
As for motivation:
The unvaccinated rebels
Still, one ought to expect a journalist to use a conveniently misleading, factually-dubious study to their advantage.
The stooge even equated rejecting the vaccine to neglecting road safety, writing:
"Of course, skipping a COVID vaccine does not mean that someone will get into a car crash. Instead, the authors theorize that people who resist public health recommendations might also 'neglect basic road safety guidelines.'”
I also assume when someone T-bones a car they were probably not vaxxed and certainly not boosted.
Covid hysteria and the need to vilify the unvaccinated caused articles like these to reach publication. Linking vaccination status to unrelated hazards has become common practice among the left-wing media.

Howard Stern demands laws against the unvaccinated.
Last week, once great radio host Howard Stern wondered aloud if Kirstie Alley's opposition to vaccine mandates caused her to die from colon cancer.
Uh, what?
We'll let Howard explain. The rant is too signature to properly paraphrase.
"She was anti-mandate. Maybe she didn’t go to the doctor soon enough when she wasn’t feeling well," he said.
Covid hysteria didn't only damage the mental stability of Keith Olbermann, it appears.
At least Seattle residents can rest assured they're in no danger of running into a loon on a highway.
#Vaxxed/Boosted. #ClickItOrTicket.