Piers Morgan Calls For Women To Boycott Sporting Events That Allow Trans To Compete

Piers Morgan joined OutKick's Riley Gaines on the latest episode of the Gaines For Girls podcast and the two talked about the threat posed by allowing transgender athletes to compete in women's sports.

Morgan commended Gaines' efforts as one of the leading voices out there fighting the good fight to protect women's sports.

Piers Morgan Suggests Boycotts Are One Way To Save Women's Sports From Current Insanity

Morgan went on to say that he thought the best way for female athletes to band together and fight the affront to fairness is by boycotting events that allow biological men to compete against them.

"I actually think right now, every female competitor and women's sport in the world should just refuse to compete against trans athletes," he said. "Not because they're transphobic; because they want to protect women's rights to fairness.

"And if they all did that one day, this ends."

Gaines herself said that while she didn't always agree with the idea put forth by the Piers Morgan Uncensored host, she does now.

"100% agree," she said. "And I didn't agree for the longest time. I thought women shouldn't have to boycott. But I can proudly say I've changed my mind on that.

"That is what it's going to take. That's what we need to see, and you're right courage is this. I certainly believe that. But so is hopelessness, and so I think if we remain hopeless like we're seeing so many women — so many people — do, that's just as contagious as courage."

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.